Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day175:Melodramatic days

Yesterday the mentioning of shadow in physics was arghh , couldn't stop smiling inside . Ahh and also the sudden nudge in chemm , i thought i was dreaming of shadow's voice , but actually , he was calling for me in reality hahah . Though he was extremely sick yday and mr.lion wanted to quarantine him agains , nawws hope his allergies/sickness flies away soon , got his exams on wednesday mann ): Well anywayys , back to today's events . As usual study and tutor takes precendence and i didn't get to watch the intro or the games or w.e before the dodgeball round in rm ep 139 . When the three females were choosing their partners , all the guys were just wishing for any of them hahah esp how they were just voicing their wishes out loud . When go ah ra shouted out 'oppa !' and charged towards him , i was like AWWWS - cuteness overload between the two - During the game , i sahh wished gary's partner lee yeon hee gave me her euro skills , farr she looked so pro in the partner dodge-ball game :O and when commander releases his anger at gwangsoo's throw - ohgoshh - then hahah moment in the car , the moment when jihyo puts the liptint on gwangsoo . hahah his reaction was daebakk . Eh ? When they receive the final mission , commander and ace stood together ~ nawws always spartace :D And wows talking to bashful quite a lot nows . . . it's a bit weird thoughs hahah considering how we've known each for quite sometime but only have gotten close since last year wows ~ (:

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