Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day164:Don't worry , be happy

One shot caffeine , one shot happiness , one shot motivation . So yeaahs another embarrassing moment to end the day off , seriously im on a roll heres - please detect the sarcasm - As i planned to stay back with my friend and had a high probability - today's ref - of missing my bus , i asked sir.lion when he's bus came . And since he was acting all deaf , i shouted it the final time which brought a shock to everyone , incl my maths teacher . My gahh everyone was just laughing afterwards , aishh always sahh embarrassed hahah . Ahh yeaahs and today i was not successful in avoiding shadows either . . . but mehs i shall get used to avoiding him and ahems prevent my casual glances ahems . So this small can of latte reinforced the statement i had been repeating to myself for the whole day ' dont worry , be happy ' . I thought about my emotional breakdown in front of potty , wows i guess i must really trust him for me to able to do that . I have come to know that he's truly supporting and im lucky to have such a friend . Also my good friend expressed some concern during the aftermath of the counselling . Immensely appreciate both of these wonderful friends of mine , completely counted on youu guys to drive my day to the next . Thankyouus  (:

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