Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day171:Sheer coincidence

With the exams beginning under twenty-four hours , stress levels are actually skyrocketing - physics ref before exams >< - But yeaahs there were too many moments today ehehe . Farr everytime i try to avoid shadows , he just pops out of nowhere . During choir he just h a d to swap places with my oppa . . . why why why ?! Can't youu simply stay in your corner behind the altos , could not even concentrate on singing cause of the moving hahah . Then in chem we were allocated into small groups to revise for the exams just like we did for physics . This time it was according to our birthdates and i ended up being in the same group as shadows . The second time sir allocated us using numbers and somehow was in the same group agains . The third and final time , i realised that i'd be in his group again any way sir counts us so i facepalmed right aways . Seriously , the more i avoid him , the more i'm stuck with him - according to my friend , we have many fated moments where sir told us both off for the same reasoning - Hahah actually the distraction is not too bad of a thing , with the exception of exams . Oh goshh i remembered my loss in concentration during our acidic topic test last saturday . . . going through all that nudging and backing away , i'd laugh if i can even pass the 50 mark . Such a distraction , but the image of him is the motivation . Hahah iono anymores :L Oh and i'm not too sure of this , but i think i'm in for euro ? I just need to improve on my catching skills , but yayyers ? :D

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