Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day153:Beauty over an empty stomach

Another week has past and it's a saturday agains (Y) tutor lunch today was pretty crowded though with a grand total of ten people . We originally headed off to the pho shop near the kbbq place we went to last time , but seeing as the line was crazys , we went to jays - and that's when my mood dropped to the trenches - seriously that place : crap service and food ._. swore last time was def my 'last time' , but clearly not happening . . . well anywayys since the boys went off to grab the seats for us , we decided to trip it to missha just for a few quick purchases . For me and a friend : it was literally quick purchase - im pretty decisive when it comes to cosmetics - but unfortunately for two of my other friends : they were most def 'quick' on the opposite side of the spectrum . Well we had lunch and dispersed afterwards (Y) Hmms youu seeing a different me or what ? Different as in good right ? I can absolutely assure youu that i wont become a vain thing (:

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