Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day163:Piling humiliation onto embarrassment

Today i have made the 'best' impression of myself in front of my tutor ._. and really glad next week is the last week we have him . Sahh embarrassing , really wanted to just dig a hole and shove my head in it . Cause avoiding shadows all day was extremely tiring , i tuned out half of the time . He was then randomly choosing people from the role to answer the hw questions , and obviously i furiously told him not to pick me from inside . Well guess what , he did choose me , even with the addition of my surname - how lovely and special - Immediately i said the answer 'A' but clearly he didn't even hear the direction of my answer . I shot my hand up and even extending it a tad whilst jumping from my chair when he asked where i was . When he asked for the answer again , i had an unsure tone . He asked me to lock in an answer , so i guess i 'confidently' said the answer . And finally the answer was correct . My gahh , since the situation was lagged for so long , practically the whole class was laughing - probs at my flushed face since i started fanning myself - esp when one of the classmates patted me on the head after the lesson . Loving the dayy ><'

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