Monday, March 4, 2013

Day148:Gotta keep your head up

The embarrassment throughout the day . . . Ahh seriously , the teacher was assigning us into groups in physics by our birthdays and really lost the plot there . I happened to zone right out when he called for the people born in may and only dragged my mind back when he repeated june and my friend was motioning me to get my head straight . But yeaahs when i finally stood up , i was the only one standing ._. extra embarrassed as youu can imagine , then i towards another friend . I asked why she wasn't in a group alreadys - this was me thinking her birthday was in may - she clearly was not happy i had forgot her birthday . Aiyy . . . the problem was , i remembered someone else's birthday , someone who used to be soo connected to her . . . Hopefully she'll never know who's birthday i thought of , think she'll be back to her depressed state - not like she isn't everyday - but yeaahs . . . Liked the recount of my public humiliation of the day ? I'm sure youu have one to share too , like always hahah (:

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