Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day165:Just do it

We had our euro training todays , and yeaahs clearly i chose euro over choir , a must . Without the support of my friend , i made it through a session , now let's try this again tmrs (Y) Well it kinda started off awkwardly and embarrassingly due to both external and internal factors . Guys from our grade were theres and uhh yeaahs considering i looked like a fish out of water , yeaahs i was just facepalming the whole time - until they left the court - Internally , we began with the left wing position and i happen to be the first in line . My gahh it took me upteenth times to be able to throw one shot properly . . . I felt the pressure to shoot once from everyone , i was like deeply sighing inside . But when we began to shoot in the left back position , my confidence increased ' i finally can shoot ' and it skyrocketed when sir gave his approval . I tried hard from that point onwards  and even got a goal in , dunno if anyone actually saw that but as long i know i've improved , its all good . Let's do better tmrs , fighhting ! :D Nows im just rushing the surfing due tmrs , nighhts ya thingamabob (:

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