Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day174:Perpetrator at his work once again

Wows . . . today was a very . . . fufilling day even with just the words that was spread around . . . it sure got everyone agitated , including me . But then oppa always has the calming affect and i chilled it out afterwards ~ anywayys so it just so happened that one of our 'archenemies' has gotten a hold of our advantage and yes clearly it is not advisable for that to occur , so everyone's up in arms at the people who would be the so-called 'source' of this event . Really feeling it for these people thoughs , not even their fault . . . Ahh wells hopefully things will reduce its impact tmrs . . . So for dinner tonights we went huong xua at canley and i ordered some snails vermicilli dish . I must say . . . the snails were nice , there wasn't much taste thoughs , it was mainly the sauce and soup . Well it's not everyday youu have snails , not a bad experience at all . Nows looking forward to the infamous french dish : escargots ~ How classy i've become you're probs thinking ? Hahah not evens , still the old me nws (:

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