Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day160:Standing still ♪

It's a saturday and nearing our exams :O That's not the only stress either . Today has been the most awk day ever . . . It's so crazy but tonnes of people know about it . . . What is even going on in my life ? Is it the truman show . . . ? I've only told a select few about my interest and now so many people know ? Actually no ways , just suspecting it that's all . Until it's heard from me , it is all rumours and people's assumptions , no proof , nothing at all . . . Well i kinda noticed that shadows was acting up a while back , but i thought he was just being him and just having a bit of fun everyday i guess ? But wows , never knew he suspected - omg im such a crap actor hahah - but then again i can't really hide my smiles either hahah . Well following on from yday's texts , shadows decided to swap seats . I was kinda upset about that , a little annoyed as well cause it just so happened that i had to take public transport to tutor every saturday - and guess what , my train was delayed and i missed the bus so i walked it to tutor - i was sah tired out . Other than that , the rest of the day was like 'whoa isn't this just too much guys ?' . Yeaahs after the bus ride to the library , we were just quietly working away when i realised that my lostie friend texted me , asking where i was . Not long after replying , she called me up . She informed me that shadows and retarrd was looking for me . I really had no idea of the reason but once again my first instinct is to flee and think laters . I paced towards my bag and whilst packing up i asked my good friend to check if he received any new texts , but he didn't . After telling him shadows was outside the library he sighed a sarcastic laugh and stood up . I immediately told him to sit down and said i'll go and he better stay put or else it'll turn into a screwedup situation . He did as he was told and i left with another trusted friend of mine for lunch . As i ran down the stairs my lostie friend stopped me in my tracks . She told me of the situation and together with another close friend of mine , we drafted a plan to escape all of this . Hahah i really wanted to say 'PlanAZ887' but i knew that they wouldn't get the rm ref so i shouted it in my head . Anywayys shadows wasn't outside - phew - but retarrd was and was asking where shadows was . . . my gahh , it was like crazy bluffing . As we supposed that he was texting him , we kinda sped off with me just looking around - yeaahs cause im unsus like that - but mms since shadows is running away from the situation or finding me for an answer , my solution is : standing still behind a wall hoping youu won't ever find me - btw i'm really loving ukiss' alone  and standing still  ehehe - Sorry i'm just a coward fool . . . (:

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