Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day167:Essentials with friends

So a new noggi store opened up in canley and its actually really pretty :O Went to get a cup of froyo with la and the others before tutor (Y) Ahh but yeaahs seriously this euro tryouts thing is getting so out of hand , talking about it everyday , really guys ? I just tried out for a friend , but now she doesnt wanna do it . . . i really have no idea why i bothered to tryout when i had no way of getting in . Aish the thing thats stuck in my mind , is that sir pulled me out of the game , hence i am totally out of the choices , ahh wells twas fun to feel fit agains :L Anywayys it was pretty messy morn cause i ran for the train and the doors closed on me . Distressed , i called people up to check if they've left their houses yet . And luckily came into contact with one of them , owe mr.roars tonnes (:

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