Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day156:Honey , this is just revenge

When things go this way , youu really can't blame me for what i've done . It is only fair to give youu your well-deserved treatment . Watch me shine without you being the smog shading and scraping me out of the world , just watch me . Completely being the innocent girl that youu once knew , the year seven 'me' . I'll pretend not to notice the dirties you're giving me , the act you're putting on for the whole world to see , the lies you've told , and the promises that have been broken . Sighing ? Do youu have a legit reason to sighh ? Youu wanna make a big deal out of this ? Go ahead , i'd only be waiting for youu at the finish line . So if youu wanna play this game till the end , go find me like youu promised , search for me across the world and compare the futures that we lead . But if i was in your position , i'd give up the show and just quietly sit in my corner until this year is over . I wonder what you're feeling inside when i put on a pretence act like that . . . it's becoming really interesting now . Hopefully you'll learn to lower your ego and know how to treat all your friends after this . I never broke my promise to help youu , so until youu admit your mistake , this revenge will continue - it's actually becoming my daily motivation - hope that's alrighht with youu cause it's cheering me up to see ignorance scribbled across your face (:

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