Monday, April 1, 2013

Day176:April foolin ~

Foremost i would like to wish puppy a happy birthdayy ^^ For the past few days , i've been getting calls from an anon - which rly irritated me - but yeaahs , he kept calling me up and saying all this weird corny stuff from the start of our easter weekend . Even though i didn't know him , i decided to play along with it and talked as if we were best buds and more than that . And the whole time , i was thinking nawws i wonder who this cutee troll would be . Normally i would be ale to identify someone's voice after two or three calls , but i legitly had no idea of who he was until this morn when he was like ; morning , april fools' . Turns out to be some guy from another school who was particularly close to one of my friends and chose to trick me cause i had a cutee and innocent name , LOOL ?  So anwayys i have received the news of becoming a bridesmaid at my family friend's wedding . Wow ? Is this a joke or what ? Iono if i'm up for it thoughs , esp with my face and my height hahah . Oh and it happens to be weeks after our formal and extremely close to the release of our hsc results . . . nawws rly wanted to start my laidback trip earlier . . . but i guess that's not happening anymore . . . OH ? Wait we can travel domestically for the time being righht ? Hmms . . . omo it's nerve wracking to even think about her big day . . . what if i stuff it up ? omo . . . ahems not even my wedding , i shall chill it down a tad hahah . Yeaahs haven't been able to change that aspect of me yet , not my nerves . Anywayys ~ shall get that out of my mind first and prep it up for eco tmrs . Ahh yeaahs awaiting for your annual amusing anecdote (:
And just to add a quote : It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
누군가에게 호감을 느끼는 데는 몇 분이 걸리지 않고 좋아하는 데는 몇 시간이 걸리지 않으며 사랑하는 데는 몇 일이 걸리지 않는다. 그러나 잊는 데는 평생이 걸린다.

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