Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day175:Melodramatic days

Yesterday the mentioning of shadow in physics was arghh , couldn't stop smiling inside . Ahh and also the sudden nudge in chemm , i thought i was dreaming of shadow's voice , but actually , he was calling for me in reality hahah . Though he was extremely sick yday and mr.lion wanted to quarantine him agains , nawws hope his allergies/sickness flies away soon , got his exams on wednesday mann ): Well anywayys , back to today's events . As usual study and tutor takes precendence and i didn't get to watch the intro or the games or w.e before the dodgeball round in rm ep 139 . When the three females were choosing their partners , all the guys were just wishing for any of them hahah esp how they were just voicing their wishes out loud . When go ah ra shouted out 'oppa !' and charged towards him , i was like AWWWS - cuteness overload between the two - During the game , i sahh wished gary's partner lee yeon hee gave me her euro skills , farr she looked so pro in the partner dodge-ball game :O and when commander releases his anger at gwangsoo's throw - ohgoshh - then hahah moment in the car , the moment when jihyo puts the liptint on gwangsoo . hahah his reaction was daebakk . Eh ? When they receive the final mission , commander and ace stood together ~ nawws always spartace :D And wows talking to bashful quite a lot nows . . . it's a bit weird thoughs hahah considering how we've known each for quite sometime but only have gotten close since last year wows ~ (:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day174:Perpetrator at his work once again

Wows . . . today was a very . . . fufilling day even with just the words that was spread around . . . it sure got everyone agitated , including me . But then oppa always has the calming affect and i chilled it out afterwards ~ anywayys so it just so happened that one of our 'archenemies' has gotten a hold of our advantage and yes clearly it is not advisable for that to occur , so everyone's up in arms at the people who would be the so-called 'source' of this event . Really feeling it for these people thoughs , not even their fault . . . Ahh wells hopefully things will reduce its impact tmrs . . . So for dinner tonights we went huong xua at canley and i ordered some snails vermicilli dish . I must say . . . the snails were nice , there wasn't much taste thoughs , it was mainly the sauce and soup . Well it's not everyday youu have snails , not a bad experience at all . Nows looking forward to the infamous french dish : escargots ~ How classy i've become you're probs thinking ? Hahah not evens , still the old me nws (:

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day173:Easter weekends

Easter i.e break with study , and thank goodness for that . Let's prep up for eco nows ._. hope youu rest up sick buddy ~ <3

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day172:Hello exams

Well look what we have here : eng and physics todays . What a lenient beginning to our timetables (Y) think they should've put a one unit subject there . . . or even left the whole day off . . . ughh whatevs mann . As per usual , no confidence in the answers i put down todays ._. catharsis : two down and six to go ! :D

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day171:Sheer coincidence

With the exams beginning under twenty-four hours , stress levels are actually skyrocketing - physics ref before exams >< - But yeaahs there were too many moments today ehehe . Farr everytime i try to avoid shadows , he just pops out of nowhere . During choir he just h a d to swap places with my oppa . . . why why why ?! Can't youu simply stay in your corner behind the altos , could not even concentrate on singing cause of the moving hahah . Then in chem we were allocated into small groups to revise for the exams just like we did for physics . This time it was according to our birthdates and i ended up being in the same group as shadows . The second time sir allocated us using numbers and somehow was in the same group agains . The third and final time , i realised that i'd be in his group again any way sir counts us so i facepalmed right aways . Seriously , the more i avoid him , the more i'm stuck with him - according to my friend , we have many fated moments where sir told us both off for the same reasoning - Hahah actually the distraction is not too bad of a thing , with the exception of exams . Oh goshh i remembered my loss in concentration during our acidic topic test last saturday . . . going through all that nudging and backing away , i'd laugh if i can even pass the 50 mark . Such a distraction , but the image of him is the motivation . Hahah iono anymores :L Oh and i'm not too sure of this , but i think i'm in for euro ? I just need to improve on my catching skills , but yayyers ? :D

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day170:Just chilling

Grabbing a frozen coke on the way back from school in attempt to calm down . After freaking out about losing half a set of my notes , and exponentially increasing stress levels , really needed the brainfreeze . But mms managed to re-do those notes before tutor , pretty proud of my productivity within those four hours . If only i could say the same thing for english as wells . . . (:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day169:Sleeping incense

For the past few days i havent really been able to sleep well , but the fragrance from these flowers really helped me settle down . It's the same ones from the temples , youu would recognise the smell straightaways , try it since youu havent been getting great sleep either (:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day168:Race start !

So it was the school 2013 themed rm ep 138 . The guests were kim woo bin , lee jong suk , min hyo rin , lee jong hyun , and kim soo ro . In the first elimination race , suk jin obviously had his role as race starter hahah :L The canteen eating comp : the 2 models had such beautiful eating expressions that no words could begin to describe <3 The water wrestling game : kjk fires up and throws everyone off board and in the 3rd round , one push from kim soo ro and its a perfect strike :L The final elimination race : guests team won . There were many woo bin and jong suk moments , ahh they're absolutely adorable togethers ^^ Oh and also throughout the whole ep , mc yoo and haha had many of their dramatic shots :L After watching this ep , im totally motivated for the intense cramming (:

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Day167:Essentials with friends

So a new noggi store opened up in canley and its actually really pretty :O Went to get a cup of froyo with la and the others before tutor (Y) Ahh but yeaahs seriously this euro tryouts thing is getting so out of hand , talking about it everyday , really guys ? I just tried out for a friend , but now she doesnt wanna do it . . . i really have no idea why i bothered to tryout when i had no way of getting in . Aish the thing thats stuck in my mind , is that sir pulled me out of the game , hence i am totally out of the choices , ahh wells twas fun to feel fit agains :L Anywayys it was pretty messy morn cause i ran for the train and the doors closed on me . Distressed , i called people up to check if they've left their houses yet . And luckily came into contact with one of them , owe mr.roars tonnes (:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Day166:Energy pop

Yeaahs really needed this after todays' training and best recharger for tmrs exam  , sahh tired right nows ><' ionos , i didnt even do much but my back and legs ache - fatty - But yeaahs seriously i doubt that the friends i hang out with know i was trying for euro . Ah wells , cause youu know - sarcasm righht up - i totally love it when im in the screen watched by those bball boys . When one of them called my name out , i seriously could not try anymore hahah . Wished they left , i probs would be able to concentrate and actually shoot - doubt it but higher chance - Ahh wells no excuses if i predicted not getting in . Even though he was source of embarrassment but also a source of support - knowing i have a legit reason to keep playing - thankyouu sahh much anywayys (:

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day165:Just do it

We had our euro training todays , and yeaahs clearly i chose euro over choir , a must . Without the support of my friend , i made it through a session , now let's try this again tmrs (Y) Well it kinda started off awkwardly and embarrassingly due to both external and internal factors . Guys from our grade were theres and uhh yeaahs considering i looked like a fish out of water , yeaahs i was just facepalming the whole time - until they left the court - Internally , we began with the left wing position and i happen to be the first in line . My gahh it took me upteenth times to be able to throw one shot properly . . . I felt the pressure to shoot once from everyone , i was like deeply sighing inside . But when we began to shoot in the left back position , my confidence increased ' i finally can shoot ' and it skyrocketed when sir gave his approval . I tried hard from that point onwards  and even got a goal in , dunno if anyone actually saw that but as long i know i've improved , its all good . Let's do better tmrs , fighhting ! :D Nows im just rushing the surfing due tmrs , nighhts ya thingamabob (:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day164:Don't worry , be happy

One shot caffeine , one shot happiness , one shot motivation . So yeaahs another embarrassing moment to end the day off , seriously im on a roll heres - please detect the sarcasm - As i planned to stay back with my friend and had a high probability - today's ref - of missing my bus , i asked sir.lion when he's bus came . And since he was acting all deaf , i shouted it the final time which brought a shock to everyone , incl my maths teacher . My gahh everyone was just laughing afterwards , aishh always sahh embarrassed hahah . Ahh yeaahs and today i was not successful in avoiding shadows either . . . but mehs i shall get used to avoiding him and ahems prevent my casual glances ahems . So this small can of latte reinforced the statement i had been repeating to myself for the whole day ' dont worry , be happy ' . I thought about my emotional breakdown in front of potty , wows i guess i must really trust him for me to able to do that . I have come to know that he's truly supporting and im lucky to have such a friend . Also my good friend expressed some concern during the aftermath of the counselling . Immensely appreciate both of these wonderful friends of mine , completely counted on youu guys to drive my day to the next . Thankyouus  (:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day163:Piling humiliation onto embarrassment

Today i have made the 'best' impression of myself in front of my tutor ._. and really glad next week is the last week we have him . Sahh embarrassing , really wanted to just dig a hole and shove my head in it . Cause avoiding shadows all day was extremely tiring , i tuned out half of the time . He was then randomly choosing people from the role to answer the hw questions , and obviously i furiously told him not to pick me from inside . Well guess what , he did choose me , even with the addition of my surname - how lovely and special - Immediately i said the answer 'A' but clearly he didn't even hear the direction of my answer . I shot my hand up and even extending it a tad whilst jumping from my chair when he asked where i was . When he asked for the answer again , i had an unsure tone . He asked me to lock in an answer , so i guess i 'confidently' said the answer . And finally the answer was correct . My gahh , since the situation was lagged for so long , practically the whole class was laughing - probs at my flushed face since i started fanning myself - esp when one of the classmates patted me on the head after the lesson . Loving the dayy ><'

Monday, March 18, 2013


Being a sad little dumpling head during the bbq party last month . The photos from the party have finally come through and the beauty of dslrs have purely been shown . Well clearly the cams have caught me off guard . And now that youu pointed it out , my side-ish profile looks like an acorn hahah youu observative squirrel (: Ahh and the talk of dumplings reminds me : also had dumplings to start the day off . It really tasted like the dumplings we had in china when we kept on calling for more plates during our food challenges , think that was our last breakfast before our flight or the like ? Hmms miss those carefree times ):

This is the cutest bromance : lee jong seok and kim woo bin . Both 24 and have been friends since their modelling days till now post-school2013shooting . Nawws esp during the photoshoot interview woo bin was like "When I was acting, I think I really loved Go Nam-soon. In the flashback scenes we weren’t supposed to cry, but I loved him so much that I cried. Lee Jong-seok and I are really good friends now" Nawws ^^


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day161:The fools with the princesses

Finished watching the live streaming of rm ep 137 . The guests were UEE and no sa yeon this week - adding cuteness and humour all around - Since i was out eating at canley , came back a tad late and only watched from the pepero game section . Ehehe i reckon most of this week's ep revovled around MC , cutest . Jihyo continued her winning streak from last week's ep in the pepero game and the limbo . In the pepero game , their team were the first ones who passed , but gary requested another round cause - i think ? - he reckons that the piece was over by 7mm , hahah cutee . And when everyone struggled with the limbo game - even for the almighty jongkook - love takes over and empowers the weaker garyy . When he lifts her , it was clear that he was struggling inside but yeaahs he held her and did a few squats whilst calling out 'gongju mama' , and was joined in by haha to give strength/support . Then he squatted down and carried her under the limbo pole . Once he was through , he stood up and shouted out 'gongju mama manse' . Jihyo held him close and tightly throughout the game and jumped out of his arms and was jumping with joy . The final game was a knockout between the princesses whilst being piggybacked by the 'fools' (the guys) . But yeaahs after a close match UEE won and in the concluding scene , UEE chose to 'marry' gwangsoo eheheh . It was quite a cutee ep this week , wonder what's happening next week and who will the guests be ? Dunno if i can watch it cause exams begin next week thoughs , so probs have to put off next week and the week after's eps . Ahh wells exams are prioritised anywayys (:

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day160:Standing still ♪

It's a saturday and nearing our exams :O That's not the only stress either . Today has been the most awk day ever . . . It's so crazy but tonnes of people know about it . . . What is even going on in my life ? Is it the truman show . . . ? I've only told a select few about my interest and now so many people know ? Actually no ways , just suspecting it that's all . Until it's heard from me , it is all rumours and people's assumptions , no proof , nothing at all . . . Well i kinda noticed that shadows was acting up a while back , but i thought he was just being him and just having a bit of fun everyday i guess ? But wows , never knew he suspected - omg im such a crap actor hahah - but then again i can't really hide my smiles either hahah . Well following on from yday's texts , shadows decided to swap seats . I was kinda upset about that , a little annoyed as well cause it just so happened that i had to take public transport to tutor every saturday - and guess what , my train was delayed and i missed the bus so i walked it to tutor - i was sah tired out . Other than that , the rest of the day was like 'whoa isn't this just too much guys ?' . Yeaahs after the bus ride to the library , we were just quietly working away when i realised that my lostie friend texted me , asking where i was . Not long after replying , she called me up . She informed me that shadows and retarrd was looking for me . I really had no idea of the reason but once again my first instinct is to flee and think laters . I paced towards my bag and whilst packing up i asked my good friend to check if he received any new texts , but he didn't . After telling him shadows was outside the library he sighed a sarcastic laugh and stood up . I immediately told him to sit down and said i'll go and he better stay put or else it'll turn into a screwedup situation . He did as he was told and i left with another trusted friend of mine for lunch . As i ran down the stairs my lostie friend stopped me in my tracks . She told me of the situation and together with another close friend of mine , we drafted a plan to escape all of this . Hahah i really wanted to say 'PlanAZ887' but i knew that they wouldn't get the rm ref so i shouted it in my head . Anywayys shadows wasn't outside - phew - but retarrd was and was asking where shadows was . . . my gahh , it was like crazy bluffing . As we supposed that he was texting him , we kinda sped off with me just looking around - yeaahs cause im unsus like that - but mms since shadows is running away from the situation or finding me for an answer , my solution is : standing still behind a wall hoping youu won't ever find me - btw i'm really loving ukiss' alone  and standing still  ehehe - Sorry i'm just a coward fool . . . (:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Day159:Shoehorn sonata

Waking up early and heading off to unsw to watch the play shoehorn sonata . Only missing out on economics , chemistry and mot physics , just happens to be the more difficult subjects ? Yeaahs well kinda hoped i saw a few more familiar faces todays but mms . . . The play was actually not too bad , but it the actors' voices made it overwhelming as i felt the power blown straight into in my face . There were a few schools there as well , but our school had tonnes of students compared to theirs , which was a little surprising . There was a five minute interval during the two hour play . Since my friend wanted to go to the bathroom and wanted me to go as well , i did . Except as i left the row , i didn't see where the ground was and expected it to be the floors of theaters - where the ground was level throughout the whole row - so i slipped and crashed heavily on my right foot . Mann that was painful , thank goodness i didn't end up landing face first onto the ground . Anywayys , dunno what was wrong with shadows today . He was a bit weird esp in the texts on the trip back to school . He practically never texts me unless he's crazily bored and really needs something . So i was sitting next to my good friend jono on the trip back whilst studying for tmrs and suddenly he complains as he looks at his phone . He showed me the text he received and i realised that it was a similar one i received from shadows . For shadows to say that , mann did youu never suspect me ?! Or are youu once again at your games ? I really have no idea . . . Oh and hahah didn't know youu were into singing like me , just thought youu had nothing to do and simply tagged along with the boys . I swear i didn't go there cause of youu thoughs , only went for my mamii / something on my cv / stress-reliever (:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day158:Return of the superpowers

Absolutely humourous (Y) was watching ep 136 - final part of the asia race . There were seriously tonnes of hilarious moments ; haha's mwahahah movie cuts , sukjin's epic fail with the sword's power , everyone joining in for a gary dance . Hahah anywayys , other than watching this ep , it was an embarrassing day . Had the euro tryouts today - first time trying out for a sport other than grade - really hoped the tryouts were outside of school or before school ._. sighh hoped no one saw my fails , esp when i forgot the rules and sir gave a disappointed look . Yeaaahs def not getting in , i had hopes before , but LOOL that was purely in my dreams :L nevertheless it was fun to do some kind of sport , didn't sweat but got my heart pumping and cheeks warm . Hopefully mamiiahh gets in , and i know she will (:

Day157:Generosity will take youu far

What a wonderful day (: as the collector for geo society i missed out on the the majority of period 2 , eco - had no reason to join it but oh wells - well me and some of my friends visited the classes of F and C block . I really didn't wanna talk cause i would simply end up tearing up for the less advantaged . But yeaahs feeling good after knowing i took part in volunteering and improving the lives of kids from developing countries , people who love school and a shelter over their heads - aspects of our lives we from advanced economies take for granted - we raised over $800 in about 40mins for mali (17) from thailand and senait (16) from ethiopia #proud
Being born in a developing country is just luck and not your fault , so please grow up with our love and help change the lives of others so we can close the gap between different categories of economies. Wishing these two beautiful same aged children for a more improved life , stay strong and know that we'll support youu all the way 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day156:Honey , this is just revenge

When things go this way , youu really can't blame me for what i've done . It is only fair to give youu your well-deserved treatment . Watch me shine without you being the smog shading and scraping me out of the world , just watch me . Completely being the innocent girl that youu once knew , the year seven 'me' . I'll pretend not to notice the dirties you're giving me , the act you're putting on for the whole world to see , the lies you've told , and the promises that have been broken . Sighing ? Do youu have a legit reason to sighh ? Youu wanna make a big deal out of this ? Go ahead , i'd only be waiting for youu at the finish line . So if youu wanna play this game till the end , go find me like youu promised , search for me across the world and compare the futures that we lead . But if i was in your position , i'd give up the show and just quietly sit in my corner until this year is over . I wonder what you're feeling inside when i put on a pretence act like that . . . it's becoming really interesting now . Hopefully you'll learn to lower your ego and know how to treat all your friends after this . I never broke my promise to help youu , so until youu admit your mistake , this revenge will continue - it's actually becoming my daily motivation - hope that's alrighht with youu cause it's cheering me up to see ignorance scribbled across your face (:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day155:Money hungry

And finally beginning our asx game todays . Thank goodness this is just theoretical money , trust me with money hahah . Casually trying to stare and understand these graphs . Ughh eco everywheres , cept eco doesn't even teach us the basics of gaining profits from the shares we buy . A really laidback day todays with me napping for about an hour in the arvo and just finishing hw nows . . . nighhts then , hopefully i chose the righht ones and watch them rise tmrs (:

Day154:Werewolf prince

JOONGKIAHH ~ ehehe he's sahh a d o r a b l e s ! Anywayys so i was trying on the eyeliner i got yesterday to see if it was waterproof . But i was watching song joong ki and park bo young's a werewolf boy . The start was soft and melancholy , but i absolutely bawled when cheol soo's (joong ki) first phrase was 'dont go' . Then practically non-stop tearing up from there )< when the brilliantly composed film ended , i looked at the tissues i used on the table . There were black splotches here and there . I took at glance at my mirror , total shock , black streams cascaded down my cheeks . Clearly the eyeliner is water proof , not tear proof ._. Nws , loved the calming effect from the melodrama . But yeaahs , wonder if youu watched this yet ? Watch it and give feedback , mms ? (:

♪ All night, I wait for the sun to rise out the window
Because when morning comes, I can meet that person
Thank you for holding my hand, thank you for looking into my eyes
Thank you, my prince that I’ve dreamed of, for appearing before me
All day, I wait for the moon to rise in the sky
Because when night comes, I can talk to you
Don’t forget our promise, don’t forget our secrets
Don’t forget how my heart raced when you looked at me 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day153:Beauty over an empty stomach

Another week has past and it's a saturday agains (Y) tutor lunch today was pretty crowded though with a grand total of ten people . We originally headed off to the pho shop near the kbbq place we went to last time , but seeing as the line was crazys , we went to jays - and that's when my mood dropped to the trenches - seriously that place : crap service and food ._. swore last time was def my 'last time' , but clearly not happening . . . well anywayys since the boys went off to grab the seats for us , we decided to trip it to missha just for a few quick purchases . For me and a friend : it was literally quick purchase - im pretty decisive when it comes to cosmetics - but unfortunately for two of my other friends : they were most def 'quick' on the opposite side of the spectrum . Well we had lunch and dispersed afterwards (Y) Hmms youu seeing a different me or what ? Different as in good right ? I can absolutely assure youu that i wont become a vain thing (:

Friday, March 8, 2013

Day152:Snapping it everywheres

Today twas the school photos and our grade's muck up photos ♥ Surprise surprise , most of our grade participated in the muck up and wows everyone put in such effort and enthusisasm . It was sahh lovely to see our grade being able to stand in one photo without any brawls even though there was still a clear distinction between the streams ._. Nevertheless , twas all worth it ! Loving the day - even though many mistook me for someone else - that's ohkayy too , hopefully it's all back to norm on monday . . . Maybe i still need the makeup ? Cannot even make proper decisions . Oh too tired , off nows nighhht (:

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day151:Tetris buddies

Just continually making the tetris for tmrs and casually staying back to just paint the last piece (Y) Hope the whole grade does something , ionos . . . kinda doubt it cause our grade hasn't been too enthusiastic over the years ._. ahh wells everyone's gonna look sahh pretty tmrs , i should kinda get a bit of sleep so i dont have to try so hard to cover my dark circles hahah nighhts (:

Day150:Afraid of the unknown

Really don't know why issues like this would knock me down so simply . . . Even though i've been through worse scenarios , it still ruins my day in a split second . Being ignored like this by everyone is sure not helping the situation . . . Thought maybe with the sight of shadows , everything will be ohkay . But i guess not , my heart has been palpitating for the whole day . Not sure what to do now . To care or to not care ? ._.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day149:Welcome HK master

This week i actually was able to watch the live streaming of ep 135 and watched the eng subbed version todays . The guests included the asian prince/suju dance machine choi si won and blockbuster martial artist jackie chan . Even though the guests were pretty overpowering , i didn't really feel the ep having that wow factor . But it was definitely a different format as there were no cuts . Also liked how jackie spoke mando for part of the time and hence allowing me to completely understand what they were on about rather than taking bits and pieces of their talk and deciphering it all hahah . Well mhms and also had tutor after watching this , wasn't too bad of a day after having a great laugh here and there in eco and tutor hahah (:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day148:Gotta keep your head up

The embarrassment throughout the day . . . Ahh seriously , the teacher was assigning us into groups in physics by our birthdays and really lost the plot there . I happened to zone right out when he called for the people born in may and only dragged my mind back when he repeated june and my friend was motioning me to get my head straight . But yeaahs when i finally stood up , i was the only one standing ._. extra embarrassed as youu can imagine , then i towards another friend . I asked why she wasn't in a group alreadys - this was me thinking her birthday was in may - she clearly was not happy i had forgot her birthday . Aiyy . . . the problem was , i remembered someone else's birthday , someone who used to be soo connected to her . . . Hopefully she'll never know who's birthday i thought of , think she'll be back to her depressed state - not like she isn't everyday - but yeaahs . . . Liked the recount of my public humiliation of the day ? I'm sure youu have one to share too , like always hahah (:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day147: - I'm lovin' it -

First time to maccas this year and probably first in a few months back . Absurdly standing in front of the counter , i stared above me . I seriously forgot i generally ordered back in 'those times' hahah , silly child . So father became a natural parent and ordered for me . Whilst i ate , these ^ sticker thingamabobs caught my eye . I realised they were what sir was talking about , collecting and playing and winning . Well yeaahs , quite the youthful day todayy - getting maccas cause it's raining (:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day146:Antidoting with SHM

Nahhs i wish i could've made it to the swedish house mafia last tour in australia some time ago )< but yeaahs a combination of their songs and chem moments really did make my day so much better despite the ill conditions (:
And for those very moments ; ♪ there's (really) no antidote ♪

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day145:Stahhp it

So i watched this link on a friend's wall and whoas . It was pretty effective in delivering the message i reckon - effective distinctive visual omg too much english - so yeaahs i absolutely agree with the message in the video ; STOP BULLYING OTHERS BECAUSE 'IT'S FUN' , 'OUT OF BOREDOM' OR TO LOOK COOL -cause you're not - really im fed up with the crap i had to go through , so i really feel it in this video )<