Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day205:Last day of paradise , coincidences are such a surprise

Could not sleep last night cause of that ep i watched yday , complete zombie righht nows . Since i was worried i'd have troubles sleeping tonight as well , went down to the pools to tire myself out and forget about the drama . Seriously the luck is rly not on my side today esp when the goggles snapped for starters ._. After a few laps of back and many furious attempts at free without the sight aide , i heard a familar voice . Seolma . . . ? Even the silhouette matched his voice . No wayys ?! Well surprise surprise , saw my good fatherly friend theres , it just had to be him . I decided to shy away at the beginning as he was with his family members too . But as i did , mother scolded me for attitude and began questioning about him - no mother he is def not my bf - hahah though seems like mother rly liked him . Ahh yeaahs so after a few nudges he called out my name , but i swear it looked as though he was filming a swimming/etc CF as he took his goggles off whilst gorgeously sweeping his hair back - suddenly became sah handsome at that vry moment - hahah . But ofcofc no competition against shadows (: So we talked for a bit and farewelled and all thaats before i had to leave first . Aish why must it be sah coincidental . Anywayys , today is the last day of our holidays , rly not looking forward to school tmrs . But mehhs not a choice sahh yeaahs , shall make the most of it , esp seeing everyone (:

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