Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day191:Boston marathon bombings

Earlier on this morning , double bombings went off at the marathon held in Boston . The thoughts and calculations that run through these people's minds is quite astonishing . How can they aim for such precision , syncing their bombs to the computers used to time the competitors . At these times i really wonder how their minds work - like in Monster - and how they can calmly take an anon's life even in their sleep . Of course i'm not saying that what they're doing is morally right , it's just amazing to see the psyche of these people . Putting that aside , the volunteers , the medical staff , the authority , and the bystanders gave such quick responses and helped the runners or other injured bystanders . I find that quite amazing as many people in this society i believe would simply flee the situation , whereas these people immediately flex their roles and provide any possible help they can . And for that i pray for Boston 

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