Friday, April 26, 2013

Day201:Scandal queen

Alias for 2013 : queen of scandals . Yeaahs that's absolutely great , thanks for that ? Just because the rumour consisted of your interest , there's no need to blame everything on me righht ? - even though there was and is nothing - i was only going with the flow . You have to chill and seriously get with the times , the rumour floated around a g e s ago woman . . . This can really go on forever , youu really want to ignite me like that ? . . . Wait . Ahh yeaahs sorrys to fume this all on youu hahah but youu know me . . . ahh cause youu can totally relate . . . Heard youu were doing well , so i guess it has patched up , guess youu chose the right bandaid this time . Really relieved and proud of youu . Oh btw the crown/tiara ^ is actually rly pretty , getting that for mee ? Cause i'll always be your princess righhts ? Hahah nighhts bubb (:

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