Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day203:Singing the sounds of delight

So it's sunday again , another week has past and slowly edging towards the start of term two . Managed to watch the live broadcasting of rm 143 with guests Lee Kyung-Kyu , Kim In-Kwon and Ryu Hyun Kyung - only familiar with the comedian/mc kyung kyu . Throughout the whole episode , kyung kyu would put the members in comedic situations which prevented retaliation , jjang comedian (Y)
R1 ~ When they were smashing eggs on their heads to check out who would get the raw egg , gwangsoo was really unlucky . It was like raw egg twice in a row for him . Puahaha the astonished look and laughter from everyone . Nawws poor thingg :L Well jihyo really performed to her Ace standards carrying the team home (: R2 ~ The female guest , hyun kyung was crazee with the handball . But the rm tactics still surpassed her power allowing the orange team to win . R3 ~ The 1:1 elimination round , the blue team won . Think their power went skyrocketing after losing twice . Once again hun kyung's went power up as she eliminated many members and shouted out game over . Also in-kwon rly did well in this round complemented by the guest's power . R4 ~ The final battleground was in the form of a karoke round . Twas hilarious seeing the teams break their vocal chords to attain those high scores . The first song being 2pm's Heartbeat rly got the atmosphere here heated up hahah , then toned it down with Hyun-bin's Chabangchabang - gorgeous vocalist i might add , and classic song - , and finally riding it right up with Psy's Gangnam Style . RM rly needs more of these karoke rounds/missions , hahaha pretty good episode (:

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