Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day140:Carlo bbq

So despite it not being the holidays , we were invited to a party/gathering at our family friends' . Met some lovely people ; jasmine , tiffany , alvin , jj (iono his name , but yeaahs it might be thaat) , joseph . So i stuck with jasmine for the majority of the time i was there cause ionos , first friend i guess hahah . Anywayys so then the next three people entered in afterwards and when i saw the 6D in jj's hands my eyes pinpointed him out from anywhere - maybes not to thaat extreme - but wows i really wanted to use it . But twas really awk to begin convos - i now understand the emotions of jimms in class - hahah . Well yeaahs he was a beginner with them and started snapping at a lot of things - even me - mann that was really awk to stand there and act as if i didn't know . Mhms ahh yeaahs and the people of my generation were really astonished by the fact i could speak both canto and mando and also am able to read chinese . Like seriously guyys , i've been to chinese school , alrighht and just cause i was born in australia doesn't mean i only speak english :L Wows i seriously . . . unbelievable at these intellects . . . gladd i wasn't brought up in such a secluded country (: Well yeaahs the intro-ing begins and ends , photos taken , and that's it we were out of there , mann it was a tad suffocating with everyone and their med degrees ._. But i'd rather that than not going to this party for sures , well toodles off to tutor nowss (:

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