Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day130:Cupid shoots another

Singles awareness day / Valentines day - same thing , just another lovely day with importance emphasised on love . So i arrived at school before 8 am to help out with the roses , feeling apologetic to those who received the roses that i wrapped , i guess i wasn't as much of a quick learner as i thought i could be hahah . Anywayys putting that aside , shadows received the rose and as expected , he just awkwardly smiled . The others were like 'oh probs from your bro' , wows ? That's nicee to know that i've closed a gap between them ? Hahah don't care , as long as hes happy and he smiled , all good , and he'll never know about this . And me , got two singagrams in that same period too - both from my friends - i'll just keep thinking one as from the first suspect , think i'll enjoy it the song a tad more hahah . Haven't actually heard of that song in ages , really missing childhood and cousin nowss .

Songs of the day:
  • Don't you worry child - SHM ( woo ! )
  • You are my sunshine
  • Sexy back - Justin Timberlake
  • Gangnam Style - Psy
  • Various JB and One Direction songs

Well happy lovedayy everyone (: 

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