Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day132:Quarantine time

Being sick is the most awful thing when youu get up in the morning . What makes things just that little worse is that i came late to tutor and had to sit in a more enclosed and disliked spot . I wanted to talk to shadows for a bit , but wasn't possible , i'll ensure i retrieve that seat back ): but wait were youu looking at the time or looking for me ? Then again , how could youu possibly see me righhts ? Anwayys , so we stayed back and went holy basil with other class and non-sat-peak-people , with nine people and a bill near two hundred . I sat with my class buddies , but i didn't realise that shadows was sick as well . The lionn sitting in the middle complained and threatened to quarantine both of us . Actually i liked the idea , but then again that's only make shadows uncomfortable so i gave my disapproval to it . Shadows left the table to cough or the like at the same time the ox tongue dish was served . Knowing that he was sick but really enjoyed eating that dish , i told lionn to pass me his bowl but lionn told me not to be so nicee to him . If shadows was there i would've just left it , but he wasn't so i kept my ground and insisted to get him a few pieces first . The annoying thing was that he came back as i was giving back the bowl and so he saw , so much for being mysterious and nicee . Uhh whatevers , he can take it that i'm just nicee , cause after that i was equally nicee to everyone - confusions as to why i'd be so afraid of him knowing my interest in him - anwayys that was about it , overall good day in spite of sickness (:

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