Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day127:Screwed-up timetable

Omg , finally had my first free period this term , and first ever morning free . Woke up and seeing as the time was around 8:30am , i tumbled off my bed and changed into my uniform . I took one look at my timetable and laughed to myself , silly me , did not need to attend school until 10:20am . Dropping my pace and hence my hearbeat , i smiled and acted out a melodrama . I threw open the curtains , opened the window and took in a deep breath of fresh air . Then i pirouetted out of the doors humming an unknown melody . Yeaahs beautiful image righht there , but lemme shatter that for a sec . Awks during lunch when me and my friend went through so much just to secretly get a rose for a significant someone . my goshh i took forever to write it and it turned out a little weird too , dunno if shadows' gonna guess it , hopefully he'll just ignore it ? please ? omg so embarrassing when he kept coming to the stand , i just fell to the ground when my other friend relayed the notice . aishh his knowledge is just hahah . mann i'm seeing him everywhere i go nows . . . Anwayys , after school pink domo was walking in front of me , i smiled . Well after we both walked out of the gates , he suddenly embraced the man next to him , nawws i smiled so brightly and so instantly , that i had to cover the lower half of my face . Ahh i choose the sweetest guyys to be interested in (:

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