Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day125:Events of prior new years

Todayy for tutor i wore a dress , but downed it a little by wearing a dark navy blazer on top . I felt extra awk as the class had already begun a tad and shadows' bag was a little in the way . Hmms was that an astonished expression or what ? No worries , catching him by surprise , just the way he likes it . Though i realise hes paying a little more attention to me , hmms . . . yeaahs youu can obviously tell i'm loving every moment of it :L So as usual i waited for the other class to come downstairs and saw a few old buds again . Me and two others went to cabra , walked john's street and finally decided our lunch choice ; sushi . Since my friend didn't want a few pieces of her sushi and didnt wanna waste it , i finished them off . For one of the pieces , i put a tad to much wasabe in one spot and i was caught off guard . The flavour shot me in one go , and i grabbed my bottle ^ and began to take gulps of the drink . It acted quite fast and mms twas delicious . It tasted like the spyders we made in primary for the fete - great memories - , which brings me to a decision about my career choices , teacher pathway is now listed on it too . Well thens thats about it other than the embarrassing moment when i made a weird sound and couldn't stop laughing - became a strawberry - hahah (:

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