Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day122:Sour lil' apple turned sweet

Seriously this counsellor talk session has become a weekly thing ._. don't actually know if its a good thing that he knows so much about me . Sighh , i thought the sessions would be more of a session seeing a psychiatrist . But no ways , its wayy different than i thought . Have to see him again next week , i really just wanna end all these sessions , hmms .  . . eoteoke ? Ugh sour atmosphere everytime . Yeaahs change of attitude ? How can youu just tell someone to not think . Do not even get it . . .
Well to balance that weird session during eco , nicer situations happened in chem ealier on . I guess it was just because we were doing a prac - making indicators from cabbage/flowers we picked and testing pH levels . I , well my mother , picked a white rose ^ - to cheer my friend up - and a few birds of paradise flowers for the prac right before i left the house . So as usual, shadows and his smirks in chem . Hahah it just really makes my day when i know someone acknowledges my existence - even it's just to mess around with me - And to see him again during eng , ehehe priceless . Really had the urge to see youu cause of the session , which sir granted me a chance graciously by running an errand to your class . Mhms that's it , that's all it takes for a smile lighting up my tomato facee (:

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