Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day118:Awks and suprises

On rainyy days like these , many surprises do occur . Hmms . . . well three main surprises occurred todayys .
So in chem , shadows voiced himself to me , it was a really really lovely surprise - though it wasn't a question i wanted to answer - but yeaahs cause his voice is so captivating , i smiled almost instantly . Ahh total weakness right , always drawn in by voices hahah . So the second 'surprise' was seeing two friends from the past - and bein like whoa ? - and also saw monchichi - cause i absolutely don't remember her name - whilst waiting downstairs for the other class . Well some short melodrama happened in front of me and srsly : monchichi please dont pounce on every guy you know , its a little awks ? That's all i'm going to comment on that event . After waiting 15mins for the other class , me and five others left for vlounge - and the guy was serving there when we paid for our meals ehehe - and we didn't eat much cause we were on tight budgets . But this is where the third main surprise of the day occurred , oppa talked quite a lot to me todayys which was a tad suprising tbh ! but a nice surprise that i would be glad to continue every week ^^ though not possible cause next week the other class finishes 15mins later than us )< well yeaahs things do happen ahahah (:

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