Friday, February 15, 2013

Day131:Just keep swimming

Nawws today was our last ever swimming carnival . I still remember last year's one , and i swear it didn't feel like a yeaar yets ): Well anyways , today's weather was appalling ; one moment it was clear skies then pouring the next . Being part of the photography group , i was openly taking photos of and for people . I can feel the pain growing in my arm from tmr morning , i worry if i am able to write hahah - annoyingly heavy 50D - My fever seems to have worsened due to the rain and running around and snapping shots here and there . Whilst running around i just thought to myself of all the ways i could un-susly take a photo with shadows , but i could only think of one way ; oppa help me . And yeaahs he managed to somehow think up of a wayy and it worked , in spite of shadows umms resisted expression , it was worth it . Taking practically a million years to take that , but srsly thankyouus sahh much oppa . And also thanks for helping out mamiiahh and dadiiahh , even though youu composed a few white lies there . Well back to the actual events of the day , in the student vs. teachers race , teachers won again ._. But nws i sure our grade will get for the landed sports for suree (:

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