Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day144:Sickness surrounded me

Ugh . . . still feeling the fever and coughs all around . Hopefully you've been well on the opposite side of the world . Cause ive been sleeping with this ^ for the past few days even though the weather at times did not call for it . Hopefully this week we can eat somewhere with warm food ):

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day143:Going all out

Well even though , this year should be the year i concentrate on work and study , i really am too stressed out . So i decided to go all out and sign up for many school participation teams ; yearbook committee , geo society , euro , vocal group # baby you light up my world like nobody else . . . you don't know you're beautiful ;) ahh one direction songs have reignited agains , catchy but :/ hahah its alrighhts i guess ? what do youu think ? (:

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day142:Discovering VN

To travel to another country via the screen of my laptop is practically the closest proximity i can get to the place . Well this week's rm ep was the second part of the asia race , which was held in vietnam . Wows it really is a beautiful country . Considering its capital , hanoi is also named as the city of lakes , it is still quite astonishing to see such scenery . I guess i really must plan a trip there - makes a note if it - and try all the food hahah fatty right here (:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Day141:From sauna to coolroom

Just another lovely late morning , cept this time i end up going to school at the normal time ): we stopped by at nichoo's place to retrieve these bamboo sticks for some gardening purpose . For the final lesson of the dayy , maths , we ended up in the old library , and away from that craazy sauna of a room )< it was so great , everyone was just relaxing and lounging around , and youu see me can't stop being happy for that period of time - too happy to care about syntax and diction - hahah , nicee cool end to the day (:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day140:Carlo bbq

So despite it not being the holidays , we were invited to a party/gathering at our family friends' . Met some lovely people ; jasmine , tiffany , alvin , jj (iono his name , but yeaahs it might be thaat) , joseph . So i stuck with jasmine for the majority of the time i was there cause ionos , first friend i guess hahah . Anywayys so then the next three people entered in afterwards and when i saw the 6D in jj's hands my eyes pinpointed him out from anywhere - maybes not to thaat extreme - but wows i really wanted to use it . But twas really awk to begin convos - i now understand the emotions of jimms in class - hahah . Well yeaahs he was a beginner with them and started snapping at a lot of things - even me - mann that was really awk to stand there and act as if i didn't know . Mhms ahh yeaahs and the people of my generation were really astonished by the fact i could speak both canto and mando and also am able to read chinese . Like seriously guyys , i've been to chinese school , alrighht and just cause i was born in australia doesn't mean i only speak english :L Wows i seriously . . . unbelievable at these intellects . . . gladd i wasn't brought up in such a secluded country (: Well yeaahs the intro-ing begins and ends , photos taken , and that's it we were out of there , mann it was a tad suffocating with everyone and their med degrees ._. But i'd rather that than not going to this party for sures , well toodles off to tutor nowss (:

Day139:Rain sound

As the days edge towards autumn , the number of rainy days seem to increase to much extent . Listening to the rain naturally pelting and suddenly the saxophone and bass backing track of Careless Whisper plays in my head , suiting the view of trickling rain ? Hahah only classics , wondering if youu still play sax ? (: Well todayys , despite the weather i still headed off to cabra for lunch . The 'lunch' was prawn fritters from the multicultural stands . Another moment of wondering : what shall we have for lunch next week - only time to chill - hmms ? (:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Day138:Scenarios in all lessons

Chem : ughh things alwayys occur , i only look forward to saturday chem nows ._. i think if she was there on saturdays , you'd be going over and staring at her oblivious to your surroundings , as if she was a lighthouse ._. I kinda give up . Mehhs just gonna ignore youu in chem so i won't notice such things hahah . English : so dadiiahh sat next to me for a bit and i really didnt know how to talk to him . . . But i think i gotta get him used to my talk so i can understand him more whilst we converse on our english excursion - for sure happening - Physics : ''when she's angry i get angry too , youu look better when youu smile'' nawws really made my dayy kevinn , thankyouus and really needed it after chemm ^^ Maths : the logs and exponentials topic test was scheduled for todayys . Horrible feeling after it thoughs . . . Ahh wells , just a quiz which won't account for the atar . And after school : so i missed my bus and stood by to catch the auburn bus . A black dog attempts to cross the road and was nearly run over by a speeding car . Luckily the consequence was only a bleeding leg rather than a death-threatening injury D: Well that was a sweet recount of my day , how was yours ? (:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day137:Catching up in macau

Well yeaahs watched rm ep 133 after being busy and sick for the past few days/week ._. Hahah twas a great ep with guests of han hye jin and lee dong wook . It was the first half of the asia racee , with the ep taking place in macau and flying it to vietnam next ep . Oooh anticipation for the next ep , eye-opener to many of my friends' country , hmms preview looks promising as well . Hahah well yeaahs at the airport , the fans went ecstatic - then again i would too heheh - nawws wish this race was postponed to a year later - i would totally rush off to the airport and stalk them all the wayy - nawws but they've already been to macau and hong kong alreadys . Hmms if rm is still running - rest assured it will - i might as well take a week's trip to korea and hopefully get a glimpse of them , i think their motivation in the races will pump me up for the coming years (: Anwayys back to talking about the ep : o m g the macau tower mission (all three) were crayy , i swear i would not have the guts to be able to do them let alone enjoy the victory of each like the members did hahah . In the senado square mission , kim jong kook arrived to join the easy brothers team . Felt sympathetic for him and his leg , but he still is the commander with his overwhelming upper body strength :D

After watching this ep , the MAMA awards and boys over flowers ep in macau , i swear . . . leggo now ! Hahah def stopping in macau after hsc . . . ahh let's end this yeaar right at this moment . . . Ohkayys snapping back into reality , shall study for maths tmrs (:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day136:Songs from the soul

So exactly a week ago , a few albums/singles/w.e were released and competing on the same day :
  • Nu'est - The Moments
  • Ukiss - Alone
  • 2pm - Legend of 2pm
Too many beautiful voices to handle at once (:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day135:City hunter and talks of the day

City hunter is quite a gripping drama , shall continue watching it , youu should try it out too , my rec for suree - despite it being released ages ago , just watch it please - hahah . Oh and also today was shinee's 3rd album comeback : Dream Girl (:
One more thing , o m g todayys we had tonnes of inspirational talks/lectures from both students and teachers . So even at tutor , there were these lectures from sir , and suddenly he rambled on about us not being able to understand and answer his questions . Truly i wouldn't , but he picked on shadows and ayees to answer and they impressed him and altered his thoughts on our school . Heheh dunno why , but sir just h a d to pick on those two out of the w h o l e class - smiled straightaway both times hahah - anwayys , so yeaahs thats about it (:

Day134:Morning texts

So i've begun the morning story texts again with my friend , and it's just great to know there's someone who will listen to youu without having to understand situations in particular (:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day133:Les Miserables ♪

Watched les mis and amazing film it is . I love how the film began with an anticlimax . Even though i didn't manage to tear up , i felt extremely emotional and pulled in throughout . Finished downloading the soundtrack and listening to it - on repeat - (:
~ i dreamed a dream , when hope was high and life worth living , i dreamed that love would never die ~

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day132:Quarantine time

Being sick is the most awful thing when youu get up in the morning . What makes things just that little worse is that i came late to tutor and had to sit in a more enclosed and disliked spot . I wanted to talk to shadows for a bit , but wasn't possible , i'll ensure i retrieve that seat back ): but wait were youu looking at the time or looking for me ? Then again , how could youu possibly see me righhts ? Anwayys , so we stayed back and went holy basil with other class and non-sat-peak-people , with nine people and a bill near two hundred . I sat with my class buddies , but i didn't realise that shadows was sick as well . The lionn sitting in the middle complained and threatened to quarantine both of us . Actually i liked the idea , but then again that's only make shadows uncomfortable so i gave my disapproval to it . Shadows left the table to cough or the like at the same time the ox tongue dish was served . Knowing that he was sick but really enjoyed eating that dish , i told lionn to pass me his bowl but lionn told me not to be so nicee to him . If shadows was there i would've just left it , but he wasn't so i kept my ground and insisted to get him a few pieces first . The annoying thing was that he came back as i was giving back the bowl and so he saw , so much for being mysterious and nicee . Uhh whatevers , he can take it that i'm just nicee , cause after that i was equally nicee to everyone - confusions as to why i'd be so afraid of him knowing my interest in him - anwayys that was about it , overall good day in spite of sickness (:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day131:Just keep swimming

Nawws today was our last ever swimming carnival . I still remember last year's one , and i swear it didn't feel like a yeaar yets ): Well anyways , today's weather was appalling ; one moment it was clear skies then pouring the next . Being part of the photography group , i was openly taking photos of and for people . I can feel the pain growing in my arm from tmr morning , i worry if i am able to write hahah - annoyingly heavy 50D - My fever seems to have worsened due to the rain and running around and snapping shots here and there . Whilst running around i just thought to myself of all the ways i could un-susly take a photo with shadows , but i could only think of one way ; oppa help me . And yeaahs he managed to somehow think up of a wayy and it worked , in spite of shadows umms resisted expression , it was worth it . Taking practically a million years to take that , but srsly thankyouus sahh much oppa . And also thanks for helping out mamiiahh and dadiiahh , even though youu composed a few white lies there . Well back to the actual events of the day , in the student vs. teachers race , teachers won again ._. But nws i sure our grade will get for the landed sports for suree (:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day130:Cupid shoots another

Singles awareness day / Valentines day - same thing , just another lovely day with importance emphasised on love . So i arrived at school before 8 am to help out with the roses , feeling apologetic to those who received the roses that i wrapped , i guess i wasn't as much of a quick learner as i thought i could be hahah . Anywayys putting that aside , shadows received the rose and as expected , he just awkwardly smiled . The others were like 'oh probs from your bro' , wows ? That's nicee to know that i've closed a gap between them ? Hahah don't care , as long as hes happy and he smiled , all good , and he'll never know about this . And me , got two singagrams in that same period too - both from my friends - i'll just keep thinking one as from the first suspect , think i'll enjoy it the song a tad more hahah . Haven't actually heard of that song in ages , really missing childhood and cousin nowss .

Songs of the day:
  • Don't you worry child - SHM ( woo ! )
  • You are my sunshine
  • Sexy back - Justin Timberlake
  • Gangnam Style - Psy
  • Various JB and One Direction songs

Well happy lovedayy everyone (: 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day129:Double agent

So todayys i caught up with rm ep 132 with guests ; HyunA , hwang jung min , park sung woong . Heheh love how many of these past games are popping up again like the catch the theif game :D When gwangsoo ultimately wins , i was surprised and laughing so much , ahh wows lovely ep (Y) Now getting ready to face it all tmrs , a tad afraid he'll get it . . . jaebal just ignore it . . . only did it for a friend's sake . . . if he does . . . andwae . . . i shouldn't doubt myself , he wouldn't get it - cold laughter all around ._.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Let the timetable weird as times continue . So me and some others ended school at 11am and went off . Last week's rm ep had so many anticlimaxes , with the main head-to-heads between Commander and Choo Sung Hoon . The guests Lee Si Young and Choo Sung Hoon were absolute warriors with their fighting techiniques and determined minds . Whilst catching up on rm ep 131 , there was a knock on the door . I decided to analyse their talk for a while to check if it was worth my effort to see them . They sounded really nicee so i opened the door and had a quick chat to them as they gave me two booklets on religious terms - its a shame that i didn't continue with SOR , it would've be put into great use - and then the lady became curious as to why i would be at home at this time - yeaahs good question , ask my school why they gave us funny timetables - but yeaahs . She talked about her past and how she would go 'wagging' with other students as there was no such thing as free periods . Hmms i guessed 'wagging' would be jigging in modern talk . Well yesyes , after that i just went off to tutor and had a lovely time looking at shadows when i could not bear with the teacher's strong accent anymores , distraction ? I would call it motivation heheh :L

Day127:Screwed-up timetable

Omg , finally had my first free period this term , and first ever morning free . Woke up and seeing as the time was around 8:30am , i tumbled off my bed and changed into my uniform . I took one look at my timetable and laughed to myself , silly me , did not need to attend school until 10:20am . Dropping my pace and hence my hearbeat , i smiled and acted out a melodrama . I threw open the curtains , opened the window and took in a deep breath of fresh air . Then i pirouetted out of the doors humming an unknown melody . Yeaahs beautiful image righht there , but lemme shatter that for a sec . Awks during lunch when me and my friend went through so much just to secretly get a rose for a significant someone . my goshh i took forever to write it and it turned out a little weird too , dunno if shadows' gonna guess it , hopefully he'll just ignore it ? please ? omg so embarrassing when he kept coming to the stand , i just fell to the ground when my other friend relayed the notice . aishh his knowledge is just hahah . mann i'm seeing him everywhere i go nows . . . Anwayys , after school pink domo was walking in front of me , i smiled . Well after we both walked out of the gates , he suddenly embraced the man next to him , nawws i smiled so brightly and so instantly , that i had to cover the lower half of my face . Ahh i choose the sweetest guyys to be interested in (:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day126:Temple run

With my family , we drove for about an hour or so to reach a temple in glebe . Tbh i never realised how close glebe was to the city and the like , but yeaahs , wows (Y) So at the temple , tears were really on the verge of pouring down my cheeks , but i managed to use my arm to restrain them . Oh and also the lovely moments when the ladies who worked in the temple today went around and told everyone to raise the incense sticks in their hands , and guess whaat , the top part of the incense kept on falling onto me . Other than that , it was a pretty warm day with clear skies and everyone bumping into each other in the temple . Received money , saw a few familiar faces , and spent a lovely dayy with my family - which is all i need for a refreshment after two weeks into the term (:
Happy lunar new yeaar ! :D

Day125:Events of prior new years

Todayy for tutor i wore a dress , but downed it a little by wearing a dark navy blazer on top . I felt extra awk as the class had already begun a tad and shadows' bag was a little in the way . Hmms was that an astonished expression or what ? No worries , catching him by surprise , just the way he likes it . Though i realise hes paying a little more attention to me , hmms . . . yeaahs youu can obviously tell i'm loving every moment of it :L So as usual i waited for the other class to come downstairs and saw a few old buds again . Me and two others went to cabra , walked john's street and finally decided our lunch choice ; sushi . Since my friend didn't want a few pieces of her sushi and didnt wanna waste it , i finished them off . For one of the pieces , i put a tad to much wasabe in one spot and i was caught off guard . The flavour shot me in one go , and i grabbed my bottle ^ and began to take gulps of the drink . It acted quite fast and mms twas delicious . It tasted like the spyders we made in primary for the fete - great memories - , which brings me to a decision about my career choices , teacher pathway is now listed on it too . Well thens thats about it other than the embarrassing moment when i made a weird sound and couldn't stop laughing - became a strawberry - hahah (:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day124:Feeling pain

So i have this weird tendency to feel people's pain , obviously not to their extent , but yeaahs generally physcial pain . Todayys my hand was occasionally hurting , think the nerves in my hand are a little out of control - a little like above - But seeing jimms thumb hurting and hearing mamiiahh's recount of her past situation , my hand just got worse ): But yeaahs despite that and the integration test , i had a pree cool day . Oh and ehehe ive heard many lovely events circulating vday next thurs . Word of the day : a d o r a b l e (:

Day123:International friendlies

Woke up this morning and watched the live international friendly between netherlands and italy . The immense competiveness there was a little shocking at first , but interesting as it ended . Ofc , school comes first , so i didn't manage to watch the ending , hopefully italy drew (or even manage to win) the game (:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day122:Sour lil' apple turned sweet

Seriously this counsellor talk session has become a weekly thing ._. don't actually know if its a good thing that he knows so much about me . Sighh , i thought the sessions would be more of a session seeing a psychiatrist . But no ways , its wayy different than i thought . Have to see him again next week , i really just wanna end all these sessions , hmms .  . . eoteoke ? Ugh sour atmosphere everytime . Yeaahs change of attitude ? How can youu just tell someone to not think . Do not even get it . . .
Well to balance that weird session during eco , nicer situations happened in chem ealier on . I guess it was just because we were doing a prac - making indicators from cabbage/flowers we picked and testing pH levels . I , well my mother , picked a white rose ^ - to cheer my friend up - and a few birds of paradise flowers for the prac right before i left the house . So as usual, shadows and his smirks in chem . Hahah it just really makes my day when i know someone acknowledges my existence - even it's just to mess around with me - And to see him again during eng , ehehe priceless . Really had the urge to see youu cause of the session , which sir granted me a chance graciously by running an errand to your class . Mhms that's it , that's all it takes for a smile lighting up my tomato facee (:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day121:Simple salutations

I went up to the library in the morn to try and organise a career interview - which i successfully got it during first period , maths - where i was suprised from shadows sudden appearance . After leaving the library on the bell , i was walking towards my classroom , when i saw shadows taking the reverse of my path and heading back towards the library . I realised he had a free period so i tried to say hello and wave a little so i seem natural and friendly . He kindly replied to my salutations and . . .  and . .  i couldn't stop smiling behind the sheet of paper i was holding to cover my flushed facee ^^

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day120:Being driven

Sleeping at about 2am this morn whilst finishing off chem assess for todayys - totally showing my dedication by leaving it till the last moment - but ahh , finally mummy drove me to school . Twas very nicee having that power nap in the car , cause i really needed it , still tired as ever )<

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day119:Chem-in it

It's sunday again , but i am unable to watch rm 131 - bounty hunters ep . And that's all due to the chem assess i have due tmrs , period four , when my f r e e p e r i o d was meant to be . . . Ehh why do the departments plan assessment due dates so well with 2 assess within a school week in ? On one hand , it is quite lovely to finish all this but , really , so packed ? Mehhs , can't change anything by complaining , can only finish this and go to sleep . I shall catch up on rm next timee (:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day118:Awks and suprises

On rainyy days like these , many surprises do occur . Hmms . . . well three main surprises occurred todayys .
So in chem , shadows voiced himself to me , it was a really really lovely surprise - though it wasn't a question i wanted to answer - but yeaahs cause his voice is so captivating , i smiled almost instantly . Ahh total weakness right , always drawn in by voices hahah . So the second 'surprise' was seeing two friends from the past - and bein like whoa ? - and also saw monchichi - cause i absolutely don't remember her name - whilst waiting downstairs for the other class . Well some short melodrama happened in front of me and srsly : monchichi please dont pounce on every guy you know , its a little awks ? That's all i'm going to comment on that event . After waiting 15mins for the other class , me and five others left for vlounge - and the guy was serving there when we paid for our meals ehehe - and we didn't eat much cause we were on tight budgets . But this is where the third main surprise of the day occurred , oppa talked quite a lot to me todayys which was a tad suprising tbh ! but a nice surprise that i would be glad to continue every week ^^ though not possible cause next week the other class finishes 15mins later than us )< well yeaahs things do happen ahahah (:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day117:Month of 999 roses

Hello feb , please be good for this month . . . Oh right , guess what first assessment todayys , 3 days in , hsc seriously aint letting us off )< funny thing was that the teachers whom were smart enough to set our exams , just didnt have logic that clicked within moments . We were all seated on the floor at the back of the hall awaiting teachers to switch the lights on/increase total brightness . In attempt to switch them on , they resulted in switching them all off and the lovely lights played in our favour by not turning on again . After some time , some of the lights right above us lighted up . Finally with logic hitting them and just under an hour for them to figure a solution out , they emptied us out of the hall and allowed 10 people at a time to grab their tables/chairs and drag them to a spot under the brightened back half of the hall (Y) The exam itself was a tad worrying , due to its varying levels of difficulty , i found it extremely annoying and decided to answer questions in order of increasing difficulty/marks . I'm slightly afraid of getting this assess back after we received our results to the first physics assess . The mark wasn't a total fail on my standards , but def disappointing on everyone else's . I'll try harder )<