Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day205:Last day of paradise , coincidences are such a surprise

Could not sleep last night cause of that ep i watched yday , complete zombie righht nows . Since i was worried i'd have troubles sleeping tonight as well , went down to the pools to tire myself out and forget about the drama . Seriously the luck is rly not on my side today esp when the goggles snapped for starters ._. After a few laps of back and many furious attempts at free without the sight aide , i heard a familar voice . Seolma . . . ? Even the silhouette matched his voice . No wayys ?! Well surprise surprise , saw my good fatherly friend theres , it just had to be him . I decided to shy away at the beginning as he was with his family members too . But as i did , mother scolded me for attitude and began questioning about him - no mother he is def not my bf - hahah though seems like mother rly liked him . Ahh yeaahs so after a few nudges he called out my name , but i swear it looked as though he was filming a swimming/etc CF as he took his goggles off whilst gorgeously sweeping his hair back - suddenly became sah handsome at that vry moment - hahah . But ofcofc no competition against shadows (: So we talked for a bit and farewelled and all thaats before i had to leave first . Aish why must it be sah coincidental . Anywayys , today is the last day of our holidays , rly not looking forward to school tmrs . But mehhs not a choice sahh yeaahs , shall make the most of it , esp seeing everyone (:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day204:Monster hunting a monster

After watching Faith , decide to change the drama atmosphere a little and watch a crime thriller drama : Special Affairs Team TEN . Finished two years ago , but still watched it cause it's similiar to Sherlock and Monster . Aish the switch was too sudden though . With the images of the crime scenes and minor chords as the background soundtrack . . . Maybe because of the small amount of episodes , it was bearable (:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day203:Singing the sounds of delight

So it's sunday again , another week has past and slowly edging towards the start of term two . Managed to watch the live broadcasting of rm 143 with guests Lee Kyung-Kyu , Kim In-Kwon and Ryu Hyun Kyung - only familiar with the comedian/mc kyung kyu . Throughout the whole episode , kyung kyu would put the members in comedic situations which prevented retaliation , jjang comedian (Y)
R1 ~ When they were smashing eggs on their heads to check out who would get the raw egg , gwangsoo was really unlucky . It was like raw egg twice in a row for him . Puahaha the astonished look and laughter from everyone . Nawws poor thingg :L Well jihyo really performed to her Ace standards carrying the team home (: R2 ~ The female guest , hyun kyung was crazee with the handball . But the rm tactics still surpassed her power allowing the orange team to win . R3 ~ The 1:1 elimination round , the blue team won . Think their power went skyrocketing after losing twice . Once again hun kyung's went power up as she eliminated many members and shouted out game over . Also in-kwon rly did well in this round complemented by the guest's power . R4 ~ The final battleground was in the form of a karoke round . Twas hilarious seeing the teams break their vocal chords to attain those high scores . The first song being 2pm's Heartbeat rly got the atmosphere here heated up hahah , then toned it down with Hyun-bin's Chabangchabang - gorgeous vocalist i might add , and classic song - , and finally riding it right up with Psy's Gangnam Style . RM rly needs more of these karoke rounds/missions , hahaha pretty good episode (:

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day202:Taking it backk

Daebak ! Finally get the chance of having lunch with shadowws , took some time , but worth the wait . Taking back all those words about turning back time and not meeting youu . Please dont change classes , i shall miss youu very much , rly dont get the chance of hearing your voice and feeling your presence - as creepy it must sound hahah - very often yknows . . . ): Well yesyes we visited the kbbq place in cabra agains and after being indecisive ordered a bowl of jajangmyun . Seriously it is sahh nicee , rm and all those shows which showed people hungrily gobbling it down , it rly wasnt exaggerated at all . Even though it didnt look appetising at first , it seriously was delicious as hahah , kinda rec youu to try it - wait youu havent yet righhts ? - Anywayys was too busy finishing off my bowl to realise that everyone left cept shadows . A little awks but still managed to have enough courage to plainly face him and eat properly . Everytime he spoke , omo i wanted to burst out laughing , its rly amazing how his voice is articulated to capture those happiness streaks out of thin air and create a bubble of joy around me . Ehehe becoming all creative even at the thoughts of it . Stupid oppa and his talks between yday and today , too much talk of him , didnt even end up finishing hw . Aiya i swear , why must turn into a weekly sesh . Esp today when i had to practically whisper my response cause it just so , just sooo happens that the people who were involved in the topic of our convo were present on the bus ride to cabra - hope it didnt look too weird from the back hahah no assumptions please - Ahh yeaahs , but all in all it was a great day hahah (:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day201:Scandal queen

Alias for 2013 : queen of scandals . Yeaahs that's absolutely great , thanks for that ? Just because the rumour consisted of your interest , there's no need to blame everything on me righht ? - even though there was and is nothing - i was only going with the flow . You have to chill and seriously get with the times , the rumour floated around a g e s ago woman . . . This can really go on forever , youu really want to ignite me like that ? . . . Wait . Ahh yeaahs sorrys to fume this all on youu hahah but youu know me . . . ahh cause youu can totally relate . . . Heard youu were doing well , so i guess it has patched up , guess youu chose the right bandaid this time . Really relieved and proud of youu . Oh btw the crown/tiara ^ is actually rly pretty , getting that for mee ? Cause i'll always be your princess righhts ? Hahah nighhts bubb (:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day200:We remember them

A significant day for us australians ( may not directly affect us , but still ) ; ANZAC Day . Whilst we're busy commemorating these gallipoli soldiers , we might as well take the time to remember the australians - nurses - who died in WWII on a foreign british ground . Actually since theres quite a tremendous amount of heroes who sacrificed for this country , we will remember all them for their efforts and the blood they shed . Being such an inspiration , they are our role models . They gave up their tomorrows for our todays , so : Lest We Forget .

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day199:Patch up the painful past

Memories ? So why can't we erase the ones that we absolutely hate ? Well besides those memories flashing back into my nightmares last night and preventing a deep sleep , finished watching a drama with rents . So mms , since it's holidays and i probs won't be laughing sincerely from now to the end of the hsc exams , decided to bond with the rents . Was watching Our Love 爱的创可贴 for the past weekday nighhts (: Oh yeaahs , also one of my wisdom teeth is starting to grow , aish sahh painful D:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day198:Coupling up

Omg hahah too much humour and love in this episode , too cute too cutee ! Watched ep 142 with guests lee bo young and lee sang yoon 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day196:Natural disasters are sprouting

This week has been filled with disasters ; boston bombings , iraq bombings , u.s fertiliser plant explosion , and now the natural ones kick in . Scaled 7.0 earthquake trembles the lushan area in sichuan yesterday morning . Heart goes out for the people and hoping for the best for the countries which are going through all this 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day195:Coffee addiction

Hahah no wayys , just had time in the chilly morning so i decide to buy a small cup of cuppucino . And even energised enough to walk it to tutor once again , even thoughs it was a - bipolar - rainy dayy )<

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day194:Gu family book

Watching this drama nows with seunggi and suzy , seems interesting - def not a shallow perspective - hahah <3

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day193:Party it up all nighht long ★

So today was a crazy tiring day hahah , basically went out to the city for stephhy mama's belated bday :D Well yesyes , it actually mainly consisted of waiting thoughs . In the morning , i arrived at the station to wait for matt to come and train it with me . But somehow - RLY DUNNO HOW - but the train flew past me at high speed and i caught oppa's eye from the bottom level of one of the carriages . I thought i was seeing things but i confirmed that i wasnt when i walked over to the carriage . Stepped into the carriage and called up matt to see where he was at , and realised he ran late - thank goodness , thought i ditched him atm - So i had the honours of trainin it with oppa , mamiiahh and bob . Tried to paint mama's nails but awfully failed - mianhe - hahah and she enraged when she realised that many people ran late for the outing . Whilst we walked towards the other side of the station , mama walked in a funny manner and i felt kinda bad for her when others on the station gave her weird looks , but mama is da best cause she ignored them all and finally had a grip on her walking agains . After waiting forevers for the other people to arrive , we walked over to capitol building whilst mamiiahh went and rescued poor lost dadiiahh . Grabbed a green tea frappe from starbucks during our wait and watched oppa becoming amused at his hot choc - never fail to 'impress' me with your inexperience - Ahh yeaahs think me and dadiiahh wanted to go in for a hug but that kinda got interrupted - no matter , probs would've been awks - Took caps after a crazy maths sesh with the uneven numbers . We walked over to wagaya and heated the arvo up with our enthusiastic voices . Kbarred until 4:30 and decided to dumbly wait for an hour for this fagg that i havent seen in a while hahah . So me and eight others slugged our way to darling harbour and once again , waited for people to arrive . As we waited for our turn on the playground equipment - whoas that place has gone under such a great makeover - i got a call from my rents asking where i was . I hesistated for a tad cause i didn't wanna tell them i was running late just to catch up with a guy . But to my surprise , they allowed me to stay out for dinner - oh how thankful i've been such a wonderful and trustworthy daughter over the years ^^ it rly does pay off - Whoas dinner , city , at nighht , woo ! Hahah anywayys we played on various parts of the playground equipment . Cause one of the guys was taking forever to come , i swung nonstop on the swings - and when dinner came , i felt sick as - but the stars were pretty enchanting ! We ended up dining at a thai restaurant hahah the cups were quite the amusement thoughs . Well the nighht practically ended there for me and five others as we bid our farewells and walked it to town hall station . Whilst we paced it across the overpass/bridge at cocklebay wharf , i halted as i felt a little sick . During that that pause , we snapped a few photos of the citylife at darling (: Well we all safely trained it back home , however for me , mir , matt and alan our partying mood continued . Think we mainly gossiped but we talked and laughed at many occassions during our train ride , probs other passengers stared at us strangely but mehmehhs , it was lovely to end such a gorgeous day with these cheerful drunk buddies :P


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day192:RM zoo

Just chilled out today and watched rm ep 141 with the two guests . Yeahhs alrighht ep , wasn't intense this time , it was just hilarious at times - hahah as usual - (:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day191:Boston marathon bombings

Earlier on this morning , double bombings went off at the marathon held in Boston . The thoughts and calculations that run through these people's minds is quite astonishing . How can they aim for such precision , syncing their bombs to the computers used to time the competitors . At these times i really wonder how their minds work - like in Monster - and how they can calmly take an anon's life even in their sleep . Of course i'm not saying that what they're doing is morally right , it's just amazing to see the psyche of these people . Putting that aside , the volunteers , the medical staff , the authority , and the bystanders gave such quick responses and helped the runners or other injured bystanders . I find that quite amazing as many people in this society i believe would simply flee the situation , whereas these people immediately flex their roles and provide any possible help they can . And for that i pray for Boston 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day190:It's 1:59pm

Sahh excited for 2pm's comeback ! The trailer and 3 teasers have been released . All i can say is WHOA . It's wayy different to other teasers with those weekly codes rather than videos . Really one of a kind group  And finally twas my beautiful mama's day , happy birthdayy mama  (:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day189:Bonding time

And rewarding myself with a drama sesh with the rents after a day of finishing off hw . Feel actually proud of throwing this procrastination out the window sah early in the holidays ? Wows btw i really want to do this in the near future ^ hahah (:

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day188:Lemme intro . . .

. . . you to my friend of the day (:
First name : Tissue
Surname : Box
I present to my friend , Tissue Box :D

Love you forevaaaa tissues , so sick todays . Missed out on a food outing with the others , wows the day shadow chooses to stay back is the day i could not go ? Wows . . . i'm really getting the signs . . . i swear if shadow decides to walk away from me on birthday too . . . wow rly loving this ):

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day187:The war is over

AND FINALLY OUR LAST EXAM : CHEMISTRY ! SERIOUSLY COMPLETELY RELIEVED AFTER THE PAST WEEKS OF STRESS ! YES IT'S OVER :D Hahah tad high and in the head , but whatevs it's all in the past . Shall conduct a huge cleanup of my room tmrs - after throwing things everywhere during the exam period O_O - Then hmms i should prep up for mamiiahh's - both actuallys hahah - birthday outing (:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day186:Final countdown

Mathematics extension one and physics practical exam for todayy . Mehhs not much to say other than seeing shadows was enough to brighten up the day . Look at all these days of exams that have flew by , last exam tmrs leggo ! (:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day185:Cause i have faith in youu

Cause i've been sick lately , i thought not to go tutor today . But as expected i cant keep to my decisions so i decided to go tutor at the very last moment . Huge regrets cause only some of the 4u people went , aishh and i'm not even top of 3u either . . . Regrets . . . Ahh wells , it was quite a normal lesson , but tenfold relaxation levels hahah . Got picked on quite a few times throughout the lesson thoughs , dunno why , brings back memories . Nawws back in the old days when i was still in the earlier thursday class , with those hurlstone and westfield sports people making every lesson sahh fun - quite missing that class - :D Well anywayys since i could barely concentrate in studying , watched an ep or so of lee minho's drama , faith . Quite a touching drama , shouldn't have started it thoughs , but it's minho . . . another one of my great motivators <3

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day184:By the candle lighht

Bringing out the candles again cause i'm cold , sick and stressed . The candle radiates its calming sensation and creates a beautiful atmosphere (: Just how baby youu light up my world like nobody else . Hahah love how that song just pops into my head outta nowhere ~ Oh and also had a hair cut todays , hmms wonder if anyone will notice it on thurs , let there be laughter when noticed . Gonna study agains , ciao ! (:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day183:Thrill of fear in your eyes

So instead of studying for the whole day , decided to watch the anime monster - which was purely oppa's rec ofc hahah - Suprisingly i'm loving the psch involved in it . It's quite a good crime thriller , think i might get a few nightmares from this but mehhs , youu better watch it )< I've only watched 20 or so eps and teared up in a few . I'm actually rly interested in how Johann's mind functions and how Dr Tenma responds , cause even though they barely come in contact , their minds are so interconnected . . . wows ? But all in all yesyes it's a great anime , and fulfilled expectations (:

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day182:Virus detected - return of yoomes bond

So today was the virus ep 140 with no guests - wows hasn't it been a while since that happened , but im glad for the change - Was really intrigued by the preview last week , and was def not disappointed this week hahah . For this week's intro , gwangsoo and haha brought a lovely dramatic start to the ep :D In the first round where the members had to breathe in helium and order their chosen dishes , as expected , jongkook and mongji are the first ones to pass - spartace forevers - In the employees elimination round , the members were in such a panic hahah , laughter all around when haha was the first member to successfully eliminate an employee and use their identification card :D When they find the room with the antivirus , they test their identification cards . Unluckily , the siren went off and jaesuk and jihyo were taken away . At this time , gary catches one of the employees and as he was running away , the security guards caught him puhahahah . On the other side , haha had figured the correct identification card that would prevent the siren going off . But nawws there was a second door to it and he got caught theres . Gwangsoo was brought it for a thorough examination and had to go through a few laughter tests , it was unbearable for me to watch hahah . Anywayys , conspiracy flows through the entire centre when the pd announced that jongkook was out . Haha saw the green spray on his nametag and told jihyo and gary , then everyone became shocked and proved innocence by showing that they didnt have a solution on them - at this point i'm just sitting on the edge of my seat - Puahahah when gwangsoo run out of his room , great commotion is caused , absolutely hilarious giraffe . Everyone teams up to get jaesuk and the background music - which was madagascar's I Like To Move It - crescendos hahah esp with all the scenes of gwangsoo getting blown by the gaseous machines :L Then the james bond theme played alongside ' my name is bond . james bond . ' just when jaesuk aims for gwangsoos nametag . Later jihyo is revealed to be the other person who's been aiming at the members - oh a reversal maybes ? - But nahhs yoomes bond : never die ! Hahah loved this ep :D

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day181:What an addition of 60mins can do

Tis the weekends and have about 5 days off until our next exam , yayyers :) Oh and also daylight savings shall end tmr , thus giving us an extra hour to sleep/stay-up/study (Y) Well in chem todays , it was basically everything to do with shadows - and his successful saving of me - So yeaahs , him and mr.roars were having their mini-wars once again , cept this time it was highlighters . . . rly weird choice of attack but yesyes , they began to swish their highlighters and the ink came flying in all directions . Mr.roars even ended up painted a piece of art on shadows face haahah , but i was a little ticked off when the ink headed towards my direction and splattering on my theory ._. As long as my friends are laughing , oh wells a few spots of colour on the page wont harm hahah . Ah yeaahs also shadows was singing during the lesson , hahah loved it no matter how many offkeys there were - though i could barely hear the words - Well once again shadows did not fail me , and even unintentially cheering me up - thankyouus - (: Oh and im just feeling fat after getting 2 large packets of chips and buying a box of sushi before eng - even though we shared the chips with the class - Mann i'm rly loving this class hahah (:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day180:Gravitational pull of a black hole

Had our chem prac exam todays and wow at the time constraints . Plus i had no idea of what i doing in the first prac , so screwed nows . . . Why the hell would the prac be weighted more than the theoretical component , is this PE or something ?! Yeaahs just letting out the stress nws . But i guess i calmed a little down when shadows gave me his apron , nawws thanks for that , appreciate it (: Aish but when i got back home , srsly my luck today has been really strained . Before it my usb reformatting , and now my microsd decides to reformat as well ?! Ughh . . . my day has fallen deeper into this dark complexity - well from the start of the exam period - But anywayys shadows please use your powers and drag me out of it tmrs . Jebal . . . i trust youu can and shall , hwaiting (: 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day179:Thankyouu primitives

WOO ! Wang lee hom is in sydney right at this moment and will have his concert this saturday , if only i didn't have tutor and it wasn't my hsc yeaar ~ wait what meetfresh is one of his fave shops ? Alrighhts tripping there soon - when the weather becomes maybe a tad warmer , and sorry mr.roars - hahah defs :D

Ahh this morning was absolutely unbelievable . Had a weird dream of waking up at 5 and feeling up and pumped and started studying . Thinking the situation was really strange , i slapped myself a few times and didn't feel them . So i decided to try and wake myself up . I flew out of the dream and saw myself sleeping with a scrunched up face . I used full force and slapped the sleeping me and i legitly woke up hahah . Well yeaahs to my logic , i felt so tired but still sluggishly rolled off the bed at about 6 . Took about half an hour to get my act together and dragged myself to the kitchen to boil some warm water . Once i refilled the jug , i was about to hit the switch , but the lights began to flicker and all at once it blacked out  - - - Ran back to my room and knocked into the table and sofa along the way . Got my phone out and turned the crapp laptop on and instantly the room lit up but i could barely make out the letters and numbers in the past paper . After doing half a paper , the battery was down to 10% - trust the school laptop to have crazy batt life -

And when technology begins to fail on us , we have the trusty primitive ways : candles (Y) Scented candles is now added onto my purchasing list (:
Anywaays so it was our mathematics 2u paper this morning and uhh . . . when i first looked at the paper i thought it was awfully difficult , but when i took up my pen and started to do it , it wasn't too bad - despite the lack of prep - should i be scared ? Esp when i thought the last question was easier to answer than the mcq's and the first question . . . oh no ? Primitives def did not provide their help in the exam , farr sahh many integration questions - yeaahs your fave is the cause of my fails - But yesyes it's over ; 4 exams down and 4 to go :D
Daily lesson learnt : When all fails . . . just have a backup (Y)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day178:Weather calls for snuggles

What lovely weather we had today , cloudy and rained out most of our morn and arvo . Thank goodness i had no exams today or else i'd probs have been late . Slept in and didn't go to tutor cause 'i have 2u tmrs' , yeaahs cause i rly am gonna study immensely for that righhts ? Ahh yeaahs turned the comp on today and had a birthday alert , looking at the date i realised it was shadowyys day . Talked to oppa for a tad todays , great subtle motivator , but yeps thats about it , gonna try to chuck a mr.roars and wake up at 5 tmrs to study . Hope you're having a nice relaxing nighht (:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day177:An rm ep a day keeps the blueness awayy ~

And back from the easter weekends with eco first up this morn . Not great , not great at all ._. After feeling down as the reality of the euro issue hit me , nawws even though i had already expected it . . . it still doesn't change the fact that i was a little upset when sir shook his head . Ahh wells , just gonna forget about it and concentrate on my studies - like bashful had advised me to - and go to the table tennis comps next month - better remember to train for that - Well after these negative emotions had finally sunk in , i decided to cheer myself up with the eng subbed rm ep 139 . I know i shouldn't have , but seriously i can't concentrate if i'm upset like this . Actually i forgot , i'm happy for my mamiiahh who got in thoughs :D other than that , the positiveness has all been due to the rm humour #trust

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day176:April foolin ~

Foremost i would like to wish puppy a happy birthdayy ^^ For the past few days , i've been getting calls from an anon - which rly irritated me - but yeaahs , he kept calling me up and saying all this weird corny stuff from the start of our easter weekend . Even though i didn't know him , i decided to play along with it and talked as if we were best buds and more than that . And the whole time , i was thinking nawws i wonder who this cutee troll would be . Normally i would be ale to identify someone's voice after two or three calls , but i legitly had no idea of who he was until this morn when he was like ; morning , april fools' . Turns out to be some guy from another school who was particularly close to one of my friends and chose to trick me cause i had a cutee and innocent name , LOOL ?  So anwayys i have received the news of becoming a bridesmaid at my family friend's wedding . Wow ? Is this a joke or what ? Iono if i'm up for it thoughs , esp with my face and my height hahah . Oh and it happens to be weeks after our formal and extremely close to the release of our hsc results . . . nawws rly wanted to start my laidback trip earlier . . . but i guess that's not happening anymore . . . OH ? Wait we can travel domestically for the time being righht ? Hmms . . . omo it's nerve wracking to even think about her big day . . . what if i stuff it up ? omo . . . ahems not even my wedding , i shall chill it down a tad hahah . Yeaahs haven't been able to change that aspect of me yet , not my nerves . Anywayys ~ shall get that out of my mind first and prep it up for eco tmrs . Ahh yeaahs awaiting for your annual amusing anecdote (:
And just to add a quote : It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
누군가에게 호감을 느끼는 데는 몇 분이 걸리지 않고 좋아하는 데는 몇 시간이 걸리지 않으며 사랑하는 데는 몇 일이 걸리지 않는다. 그러나 잊는 데는 평생이 걸린다.