Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day74:Day after tomorrow

Yeaahs if we make it past tmrs , i think i'll become a little wild , just how youu knew me . Ahh i saw some of my year seven photos and i looked at the emotionless face reflected from the mirror . . . The photo and mirror were nothing alike , i kinda feel a tad down that ive grown up to be a sad , sad child . I guess thats life and society right ? It's gotta be difficult to keep the fake smiles up after youu know how the world functions , def will not allow innocence . Well mehh , parra started a 33hr non-stop-shop event , and so mother and i shopped for a tad before my appointment with my optometrist . I checked a similar dress out ^ , dunno if youu would approve of it . . . but it was simple and pretty , strapless :L

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