Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day59:Juniors' orientation day

So today had a horrible start . Sluggishly i rolled off my bed , clearly last night i did not have enough sleep . As a result , i flew out of the door after taking my last bite of breakfast (left unfinished) . Running at full speed , i rushed to the bus stop . Seeing the bus leave my normal bus stop , i immediately took off to the next bus stop (that i was sure it would stop at after the many times i took the bus) . I nearly missed it , as it took off from the second bus stop . Feeling as if i was starring some kind of drama , i repeatedly shouted out : "NO WAYY ! STOP !" At last it stopped . I took a seat and wiped the sweat dripping from various parts of my face . Whilst calming the beating of my heart and finally catching my breath , i thought about the happenings of the 10mins that past ever so quickly . I cringed , my stomach . . . stomach ache ? No it was more painful than cramps , that's how bad it was . I wrung the newspaper in my hand , the pain had no stop to it . I started to press onto an acupuncture point that generally helped to decrease stomach pains , it had no impact besides creating pain in my hand . Finally my stop arrived , i rushed off the bus and fell right onto the ground with one hand grabbing my stomach and the other grabbing onto my throat . I threw up right on the spot . The most annoying thing is that no one stopped to ask what's wrong or anything of the sort ._. Turning around like a lost child , i was looking for someone with water . Seeing someone from our grade , i asked him , all he could do was to carry my bag all the way to school . I was really grateful for that . After walking for a while , someone else stopped by , and she had water thankfully . Then the two walked me to school and the canteen . Seriously , these two people , i've got so much to owe them , thankyouu guys (: 

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