Friday, December 7, 2012


So this arvo , i arrived at my home with a beautiful flower glowing and welcoming me . In one spinning , the flower was gone missing . I figured out it was the child of my next door neighbour whom kindly stole it after many a times riding past our house eyeing my beautiful rose . If he had asked , i wouldve picked the flower and given it to him after i take a picture of it . But no , i dont have any pictures of that amazing natural composition of petals and matter . It is quite shocking at the age of entering year two , a child can be this cunning . And to think that i had attended his school previously , and my resulting character to be nothing of the same , is even more astonishing . To be honest , i am utterly disgusted by this sort of behaviour , if he had merely asked , the situation shouldnt have been quite awkward with our parents having a discussion on parentage . I just hope for the best for this child , he will seriously go a long way on the politics pathway (Y)

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