Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day65:All i want for christmas is you ♪

Today was Triple S Week , where the prefects fundraise for a community elderly place thing (w.e its for a good cause) . But yeaahs we got back our 2u marks and clearly it was atrocious as expected of me . It suddenly became a lachrymose lesson . . . But then i received a candy cane and a singagram , it came on the right day (: After all those tears and all that , i forgot about the mark and disappointment as i listened to the many singagrams of the day , and laughed my way out :L But that was until my friend told us she got full marks . . . I felt so bad at that very moment , don't get me wrong , i was def happy and proud of her , but . . . sighh , WHATEVERS ! ITS OVER AND DONE WITH , IDC I'LL STUDY MORE AND ENSURE A PERFECT MARK NEXT ASSESS !

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