Monday, December 31, 2012

Day85:New year's eve

Woo ! Staying up late tonight cause of the lovely occasion of no tutor , school , w.e , etc . Might throw a little party for the sake of it too whilst watching hunan's new year concert , quite entertaining i must say , happy new year [eve] ^^

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day84:Don't walk but run !

As usual , every sunday evening , running man . Even though half the time i don't understand , im beginning to learn korean in this way , ofc alongside the many dramas and engsubs i have followed . Today its ep 126 and the last ep this year , with guest Choi Ji Woo . She is such a stunning actress , keeps everything natural . Loved her interactions with the rm members , even though their mission was to deceive her :L

Saturday, December 29, 2012


Woke up and helped the rents build up a framework for a garden that i was able to design , in our little backyard (:

Friday, December 28, 2012


Continuing the drama week : missing you . First time seeing yoon eun-hye in a drama , only remember seeing her coupled up with kim jong kook back in the x-man days . Oh and also yoo seung-ho and yeo jin-goo's tears were ultra touching D; Complete contrast in genre from yday , but def looking forward to the next ep (:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day81:L'effort est ma force

So to continue the drama congo , watched Cheongdamdong Alice todays . The main male (Park Si Hoo) is quite innocent and hilarious at one time , but can become cool and detached at other times . Also enjoyed the main female's (Moon Geun Young) determination to fight on , oh and her french pronounciation . Using a fairytale that most of the audience has heard countless times , to push the drama on is actually quite an intelligent idea . I guess that's what gives the drama youth without too much emotion . Actually really enjoying this drama too , ofc thanks to my lovely friend's rec (:
L'effort est ma force , MGY hwaiting !

Day80:When the rels come over

. . . when they do , i don't get a wink of my afternoon nap )< just get more time to muck around in my room and rush out to do various things . . . dunno . . . hahah (:

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day79:Christmas downunder ★

Spending christmas in carlo this year with family friends and friends of theirs . One of the guys was the same age with a similar career goal as me , not surprising at all . Spending a day with these northerns , i felt isolation , their class is way above me . The syntax , the diction , sighh and considering most of them were from OC or the like , i really felt the sense of not belonging . But i guess time allowed that to be decreased , even though we still didnt talk . Yeaahs , the day was still well spent , with us playing mahjong at the end and arriving home past midnight . Oh and i must say , the food was . . . nice , the food that we brought was delicious , which incl the pavlova ^ #fatt :D

Merry Christmas to youu and your fam !

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day78:Looking forward to some drama

So i got back into dramas , and as predicted , i shall not finish them . But mms , began with School 2013 todayys . It's kinda similar to God of Study but more action and it's actually relateable this time round (:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day77:Le chef

Yayyers , made pizza tonight and it was delicious , despite making a huge mess and having to spend an hour cleaning up the kitchen ! Think youu would be pretty proud of me becoming more independent and decisive (:

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day76:Low productivity

So i practically helped the rents out all day with building and carrying things :L Did not do much productive work for myself , except revising the space module , i swear i will get 90 and above in this retest . . . in need to prove to shadows that i can be worthy of his time too . . . But yeaahs the most productive thing i've done today is watching the KBS entertainment awards and yoo jae suk-sii and beast with beautiful -coincidentally tis beautiful nightsky and lovely crickets sounding out summer for us sydneysiders- (:

Friday, December 21, 2012


Oh wow ! Wasn't today the date for the 'end of the world' ? Hmms . . . I don't think so . What about all those prophecies ? No . It's only the winter solstice today guys , according to NASA . However , you should still live everyday like the predicted D-day , so you will make sure to do something significant practically on all days . Make sure to love your family and anyone who you feel close to, so each set of 24hours will be well-spent (:
Ofc my day was well spent shopping and eating out at italian restaurant with seven of my friends and catching it up with two other guys from our grade too . According to my friend , we shopped for a whole school day , well i guess thats normal for girls to do that right ? Hahah hmms thinking back how i actually bothered to make an effort to even bother running in heels to him -after walking in them for around seven hours might i add- , i think i miss him a little too much (and how long has it been since i last saw him ? one day ? oh my . . . ) Anyways , we saw so many people that we knew in that time at parra (Y) Wonderful day out with my lovelies , and thanks for putting me up through all thats :D

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Day74:Day after tomorrow

Yeaahs if we make it past tmrs , i think i'll become a little wild , just how youu knew me . Ahh i saw some of my year seven photos and i looked at the emotionless face reflected from the mirror . . . The photo and mirror were nothing alike , i kinda feel a tad down that ive grown up to be a sad , sad child . I guess thats life and society right ? It's gotta be difficult to keep the fake smiles up after youu know how the world functions , def will not allow innocence . Well mehh , parra started a 33hr non-stop-shop event , and so mother and i shopped for a tad before my appointment with my optometrist . I checked a similar dress out ^ , dunno if youu would approve of it . . . but it was simple and pretty , strapless :L

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day73:School's out

Remember how it was always everyone hugging each other and saying how we'll miss them and all ? Yeaahs not for us , not this year . We all quietly departed after saying a simple salutation . But the day wasnt too bad ; finished reading the play for eng (dunno why jimms cbb coming today ._.) , got back results for eco (horrible , i know youu would be disappointed to hear it) , philosophical lesson replacing chem (o m g these topics would be totally youu) , and last but not least jeopardy with the 4u kidds in maths (i shall teach it to youu one day , but we kinda came first in reverse , so . . . ) :D

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day72:Rudolf's enthusiasm

Totally up and pumped today , it's finally coming to an end . Well anywayys i saw this car on the way home , its just sahh adorable , like youu (:

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day71:The block

Reno ? Nopes , just the requirement of a plumber ; blocking in some pipe . But mms its been a few days already , and we would be wrapping it up nows . Kinda scary if youu walk into your house and the talk of a few men catch youu off guard . It's just too much , the dark is already enough to scare me . Yeaahs after all these years , i still need my light plugged in and glowing throughout the night ._.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day70:White christmas

Hanging up baubles with mummy and thinking : Ahh how i wish i could be spending a white christmas with youu right nows . . . well soon enough maybes ? (:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day69:Last lunch

Taking it to yum cha for our last tutor lunch for this year with the boys (Y) Wish this is like our table , but this is more of what the boys' table looked like cause theyre fatpiggs :L

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day68:Family before friendlys

Implanted into our minds is the concept of family significance . So i decided that since all my assessments were over , my parents and i should go out and have a lovely dinner . We went to merrylands bowling club , and left the place with full stomachs . And tired in thosee ^ mms finally getting into heels and all in spite of your words . And you can tell i had a wonderful time even though it was more parents talking and laughing with each other , and me as the bystander being affected by the happiness of the two . FAMILY : Father And Mother I Love You  (:

Day67:Rest at last


Dunno if i should be hyped up and all after what happened today . Ughh not one of the best days , but still managed a smile , a laugh and simple talk here and there throughout the day . Stuffed myself with tonnes of food and practically going free with my money at lunch today cause of the incidents . Ughh . . . not really feeling well , but MEHS ! O m g finally assessments all over for this term and this yearr ! And that's me studying for eng in the morn , forever lonered on the bus ^ But yeaahs i shall watch rm and sleep after last maths tutor lesson for the term :D

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day66:All twelves

Specialty of the day: 12 dishes , 12 glasses of champagne , 12 bowls of rice . . . all for $12 ! Get it now or regret forever !
Hahah yeaahs you get the gist , today will be the last date of all the same numbers . Dont really know why im so hyped up ? Hahah and just prepping for christmas with this sparkling decoration as a start . Before i head off to prepping for tmrs last assess :D

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day65:All i want for christmas is you ♪

Today was Triple S Week , where the prefects fundraise for a community elderly place thing (w.e its for a good cause) . But yeaahs we got back our 2u marks and clearly it was atrocious as expected of me . It suddenly became a lachrymose lesson . . . But then i received a candy cane and a singagram , it came on the right day (: After all those tears and all that , i forgot about the mark and disappointment as i listened to the many singagrams of the day , and laughed my way out :L But that was until my friend told us she got full marks . . . I felt so bad at that very moment , don't get me wrong , i was def happy and proud of her , but . . . sighh , WHATEVERS ! ITS OVER AND DONE WITH , IDC I'LL STUDY MORE AND ENSURE A PERFECT MARK NEXT ASSESS !

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day64:Energy munchkins

Just munching on these because it motivates me to do my work ; and im starting to fall asleep at this very hour ._. Peanuts and chocolate is a very yummy combination but maybes its a tad too sweet ? :/

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day63:MAMA awards

This morning i woke up nice and early and exercised with sbspopasia's coverage of the mama awards from the previous week or so . Heard mirotic being performed and jumped onto yt to relive the moments of dbsk's ruling ^ (:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day62:J's kitchen take-2

Taking a trip to pappa roti on the way to try out J's Kitchen again at cabra for our weekly tutor luncheon . The 'ice green tea' was although satisfying , is no comparison to the 'green tea frappe' at starbucks . The take-2 of this place i guess was not too bad , but got rushed into eating at a more faster pace . I blame the absence of motivational people . . . Hahah anyways , twas a lovely lunch with la rushing off to bass control and the others just munching along (:

Friday, December 7, 2012


So this arvo , i arrived at my home with a beautiful flower glowing and welcoming me . In one spinning , the flower was gone missing . I figured out it was the child of my next door neighbour whom kindly stole it after many a times riding past our house eyeing my beautiful rose . If he had asked , i wouldve picked the flower and given it to him after i take a picture of it . But no , i dont have any pictures of that amazing natural composition of petals and matter . It is quite shocking at the age of entering year two , a child can be this cunning . And to think that i had attended his school previously , and my resulting character to be nothing of the same , is even more astonishing . To be honest , i am utterly disgusted by this sort of behaviour , if he had merely asked , the situation shouldnt have been quite awkward with our parents having a discussion on parentage . I just hope for the best for this child , he will seriously go a long way on the politics pathway (Y)

Day60:Fine dining

This annoying little creature . . . Hahah mr. caterpillar seemed to be a tad hungry and dined in onto my lovely orchid petal . But yeaahs came home from chem assessment and saw it crawling around and munching onto such fine delicacies for a tiny animal like him :L

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day59:Juniors' orientation day

So today had a horrible start . Sluggishly i rolled off my bed , clearly last night i did not have enough sleep . As a result , i flew out of the door after taking my last bite of breakfast (left unfinished) . Running at full speed , i rushed to the bus stop . Seeing the bus leave my normal bus stop , i immediately took off to the next bus stop (that i was sure it would stop at after the many times i took the bus) . I nearly missed it , as it took off from the second bus stop . Feeling as if i was starring some kind of drama , i repeatedly shouted out : "NO WAYY ! STOP !" At last it stopped . I took a seat and wiped the sweat dripping from various parts of my face . Whilst calming the beating of my heart and finally catching my breath , i thought about the happenings of the 10mins that past ever so quickly . I cringed , my stomach . . . stomach ache ? No it was more painful than cramps , that's how bad it was . I wrung the newspaper in my hand , the pain had no stop to it . I started to press onto an acupuncture point that generally helped to decrease stomach pains , it had no impact besides creating pain in my hand . Finally my stop arrived , i rushed off the bus and fell right onto the ground with one hand grabbing my stomach and the other grabbing onto my throat . I threw up right on the spot . The most annoying thing is that no one stopped to ask what's wrong or anything of the sort ._. Turning around like a lost child , i was looking for someone with water . Seeing someone from our grade , i asked him , all he could do was to carry my bag all the way to school . I was really grateful for that . After walking for a while , someone else stopped by , and she had water thankfully . Then the two walked me to school and the canteen . Seriously , these two people , i've got so much to owe them , thankyouu guys (: 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Auburn easyway celebrating christmas already . And i shall too with this pina colada - so addicted to this low alcoholic concentration drink - and forget about my depressing creative response mark (:

Day57:Baby niece

I received the news of becoming an aunt to another of my cousin's children . After two nephews , finally a niece ! Heard her name was 雨桐 . O m o wonder if she is chubby and just beautiful like her parents ? Hope she grows up to be a respectful, strong lady with great virtues and a generous heart . No pictures uploaded of her yets , but congratulating my cousins for the new born ! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day56:Society and image

So my relatives came over last night and my parents were busily talking to them and showing them around the house like all asian relatives who go to others' places do . Whilst they were doing that , like a real asian housewife in training (or just trying to produce a good image :L ) i was casually preparing drinks for the guests (i.e. coffee and tea) . Since it was handmade coffee , i was helping mother make it and my hand was dead after the holding of the filter . But yeaahs i made the tea myself (: Hmms and they basically came to give us the wedding invitation for their daughter's wedding next month , which i shall attend . Oh and hence , i'm beginning my exercise routines and practise walking in heels and all that agains :L

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day55:To be continued . . .

The ambience here ^ is totally unintentional , it was supposed to be bright to allude to my happiness , but clearly it's didn't turn out right :L Anyways a fresh tomato picked straight out from my garden symbolises the fresh start , today (a new month too) :D
Finally this week of assessments has had a comma put down . This is the feeling we will get for the trials and HSC weeks . . . and it is not even half of what we would experience . Oh my . . . Seriously need to get everything up to scratch in the christmas holidays . Let's get ready for chem and maths in the coming week . . . And i finally can sleep normally -unlike the past week where i slept in the arvo and after dinner to wake up at 11 or 12 to commence / finish assessments :L

Friday, November 30, 2012

Day54:Star wedding

Today is the wedding day for Haha (Ha Dong Woon) and Byul (Kim Go-Eun) . This amazing relationship of seven years has paid off . And for Byul's father , my deepest condolences as he passed away not long ago . But he saw his daughter gaining a responsible and caring man for the rest of her life , i'm sure that was his last wish fulfilled . As to the wedding of this couple , hope youu will have a prosperous life and a healthy family . Congratulations !
And today we have the Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) ! Excited - despite the fact i cant watch it - nevertheless yayyers just watched shinee winning best male group dance perf (:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day53:Mentally drained

Haven't done anything productive over the week except for studying and all that . I even put tutor and hw aside to do well in these assessments , and i dunno if it was worth it . Oh wells , that's seft assess done and dusted for the week (actually 2u left , but mehhs) . Now off to tutor and might study space for physics tutor tmrs ): Oh and father bought this lovely plant (which i cant put a name to) to bring me luck and motivation leading up to the christmas spirit ! (:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day52:Sleep deprived

Staying home from tutor today so i can do the physics assess due tmrs . . . Sighh my eyes want to stay shut and my mind is *mongg* ._.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day51:Sickness and assessments

And im super sick and patience levels have hit an all time low . The stress of senior year is getting to me , my organisation skills have been thrown out of the window and am super sad right now . Think i've cried on so many occasions today , mostly from all the pressure of this school . Why must they schedule everything all in a single week ?! It just messes with our lives , real bad . With economics assess and english essay due tmrs , i'm sitting here sorting out everything and trying to be extra efficient with my time . Oh and releasing all my stress here , feeling much better now (:

* Anything's possible - let's do this *


Picked this branch off a young grape tree in my backyard and it has dried up in the light to become this image ^ New growth , and energised for this week . Yayers for incoming assessment packed week hahah :L

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day49:Sydney sunrise

You look so hot today Sydney , like a sunrise . Look at this weather , and its not even summer yet ! Oh 2012 , youu surprise me everyday (Y) One more month till it's christmas and the sales have begun . The intense assessment week has due to begin in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . race start ! -rm quoting whenever i can :L -


For a humid day like today ; let's bring out the watermelon (:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day47:Confusion intrusion

This unripe tomato . . . With youu intruding into my life , what can i do ? With friends advising me to not step deeper into this whirlpool of emotions , what should i do ? With my future determined by four numbers and a decimal point , what will i do ?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day46:Clumsy side

Chemistry brings the clumsy side out of me as i flamed the edge of the watchglass and broke it . Since i broke it , clearly i gotta clean up the mess i make . So to make sure the shattered pieces dont hurt any juniors , i decided to use my hand to sweep across the area . Smart one right here . My friend told me not to do that as i might hurt myself , so i looked at my fingers afterwards . There was an obvious lump between a intermediate and a distal phalanges . Since it was assembly time , i just rushed out with the piece still stuck in my finger . Yeaahs , and thats how this cut came to be ^

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day45:Teenage issues

Never purely understood why girls love cutting their split ends , until i actually get them myself . . . Dunno if this experience is of a good one ? #firstworldproblems

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day44:Sniper 007

With the sudden rush of these james bond references , i actually am determined to watch the whole series in the holidays . The lastest rm episode was james bond 007 themed , and the release of Skyfall 007 . . . Hmms really anticipating this movie (Y)
Oh and there was a myer one day sale on tonight , which def allowed mother and i to have some shopping/bonding time -came back with a pair of grey suede wedges- 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day43:Positive stress

Had a haircut yday and i come to school embarrassed . Hahah i guess it's sort of a  positive thing cause i havent had a haircut since ages and every other girl seem to have hair of a longer length . Stressed ? Yeahhs just a tad insecure :L Watched rm120 with park shin hye and lee seung gi . But today was actually quite a great day , maybes like sir said i am becoming a little more self-confident and outgoing nows ? (:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day42:Perfect housewife

This is the life of a decent housewife in training ^ With a week of continuous assess due coming up ; i decided to sleep in until 11am todays . And timing it right , rents called out for me and commanded me to mop the floors . Yes , the least you can do is allow me to finish brushing my teeth . . . Hahah anyways , i felt so tired after that . Wake up having to mop the floors immediately ; perfect future housewife or what ? :L

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day41:The Cabra life

Saturday . Tutor . And last but not least : food discovery (: Superdish was chosen todays ; we had seafood congee , noodles , chicken (?) , and sweet and sour pork . After trying my friend's disgusting coffee/expresso/i-dont-even-bother-to-know-what , i decided to try the iced coffee from V-lounge . Oh mann , it was def seven dollars well spent . Corner cafe ? Yeaahs , never again . An incident between two cars today sparked quite an audience at cabra . A number plate slightly indented cause such a scene . That was not even the odd thing ; the thing was , i guess youu can call him an outsider decided to order the two drivers around . Hmms , i'm sorry it's cabra , don't think they'll actually listen to you . . . But all in all , amazing time spent with these wonderful people (:


Just casually going into some carpark and having hallucinations of my life as delivery person ._.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day39:An asian market ?

Today was a crazy day with the grade above us selling books here and there , some were pretty desperate and lowered the price within seconds . That'll be us just under in a year's time , let's anticipate it :L
To my dear cousin ; Please go on a safe trip and yeaahs have fun ! Byees !

Day38:The meaning of isolation

Through experience , one is able to understand the the relationships in society regarding one's identity being accepted by his or herself and the acceptance expressed by the greater society . So mms the smart peoples went city today for some seminar thing while im stuck at school with all these guys , ah ha ha what a lovely lonely day ._. Oh on a positive note ; solar eclipse today ! (: