Monday, May 27, 2013

Day232:Fish out of water

Heyys new timetable todayys . Yeaahs nws guys , i would feel totally welcome if youu guys treat me like a normal student . But rather , youu guys put sah much pressure on me and some of youu even viewed me in bewilderment whilst i did the work . Please guys , she gives youu time in class to do your work , mind just quietly doing it rather than constantly looking over ? Fish of out water def today . But nahhs they're a nicee laid-back bunch , just not used to the uhh . . . different atmosphere and the loud sounds hahah . I'll get used to soon , a must thoughs . Hmms . . . oh yeaahs so i've suddenly become traitor number two ? And nawws mr.roars thought we bonded with the betrayer tie , but no youu also pushed me aways ): Ahh im rly missing my 3u class . . . gonna take quite a long time to remember to walk to this class . . . miss even waited for me to take one last look at the class . . . sighh D;

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