Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day213:Ships ahoy

Early morning for us chem students ; cause school reckons 8:15 wasn't early enough , they decided to change it to 8 at the very last minute .-. So most people came pretty much on time cept some - who lived what ? like two minutes from the school ?! these guys hahah - anwayys so we set off to the station whilst drinking up&go and just casually chatting with our friends . The rest of the day was pretty packed and all thaats . Most of us fell asleep during the video section hahah and then became lost when the guides were asking us questions from the videos . Ahh and then suddenly my height fears come out of nowhere , aiyaa srsly i should somehow get rid of them .-. so yeaahs after we finished touring around HMAS ONSLOW and VAMPIRE and 'learning' all about conservation and restoration , we headed back home . Some of us just stayed on the train and took it all the way to cabra . Considering my level of concern for the rents driving me back and forth , just stayed with the guys and headed off to tutor afterwards . Too much candy crush and those icon/brands guessing games today , and even became a tad addicted all the way till the last minute before class . Wonderful day , all so sunny too heheh :L

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