Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day230:Mixed emotions

I had an absolutely disastrous morning , glad this week is not the week of my birthdayy hahah . Anywayys i woke up late and sped out of the house . Racing towards the train station , an unsightly view laid flat out in front of me ; there was trackwork . But luckily there was an express bus to fairfield then canley . So as i waited for the bus , i prayed not to be late . Hopped onto the bus and took off to canley , cept i overslept on the bus and missed the canley stop , finally alighted at cabra . I began walking FROM CABRA TO CANLEY . . . i saw a bus pause near canley station - which can take me straight to tutor and saving about 20mins of walking - but i missed it by a split second . . . yeaahs nws my luck couldnt get worse , i mean being late for about 15mins was pretty crappy start to the day already . But no , i end up splashing puddles , screeched at by a few cats , and stacking it . . . Yeaahs beautiful morn tbh - but thank goodness my seat wasnt taken , or else i'd be stuck in the middle of surrounding heaters -
Well putting that aside , oppa and i left the others to vlounge and began planning for my birthday event . I know , yeaahs ofc i didn't put much into the planning , but still made an effort ? Hahah wells the planning and lunch was pretty good alreadys , but then marshii called up , and ionos if im still awkward with him or what , but i was smiling throughout the whole call . Nawws so thats why he asked when tutor finished for me , wanted to have lunch with everyone . . . aishh whyy then didnt youu go ?? wonder if it's cause i didnt go . . . actually nahhs probs cause shadows didnt go either . Wait whoas , did they decide not to go cause i wasn't there ? Uhh . . . wows . . . hahah ego rising hahah nahhs im all normal agains . But if they did just that , then wows , im astonished and touched (:
Now that happy-ish situation aside . . . sighh so i broke the news to my eng tutor that i was quitting . Her reaction nearly made me burst into tears straightaways . I remembered the first lesson i had her , the whole time i was thinking ' what ? are all eng tutors crayy like this ? ' . After that phase passed , i remember walking into class thinking ' woo ! another eng lesson ! it's gonna be such a bewilderment once again ' . She rly is an amazing teacher and friend , and im so upset to leave ):

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