Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day234:Music therapy

Finding the songs that people around me are singing is actually an easier task than expected . After a crayy day - maths , reports , confronting sir of subject change - just sitting back now , headphones on , and eyes shut . Shontelle's Impossible is one of the songs stuck in my head , thanks to my beautiful friend hahah . And also classy vocals from Love Never Dies : Why does she love me ? Yeaahs shadows was humming tunes from POTO and LND , so yeaahs . . . thankyouu guys for the songs , rly needed it (:

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Day233:On cloud nine

So it has been shady day with the early fog blanketing the morning rays . It's actually building up anxiety in me . Pathetic fallacy for the unknown future . . .

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day232:Fish out of water

Heyys new timetable todayys . Yeaahs nws guys , i would feel totally welcome if youu guys treat me like a normal student . But rather , youu guys put sah much pressure on me and some of youu even viewed me in bewilderment whilst i did the work . Please guys , she gives youu time in class to do your work , mind just quietly doing it rather than constantly looking over ? Fish of out water def today . But nahhs they're a nicee laid-back bunch , just not used to the uhh . . . different atmosphere and the loud sounds hahah . I'll get used to soon , a must thoughs . Hmms . . . oh yeaahs so i've suddenly become traitor number two ? And nawws mr.roars thought we bonded with the betrayer tie , but no youu also pushed me aways ): Ahh im rly missing my 3u class . . . gonna take quite a long time to remember to walk to this class . . . miss even waited for me to take one last look at the class . . . sighh D;

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Day231:Eye candy - caution : beware for it may lead to diabetes -

Well let's pump up the night and recharge for the following week with the latest ep of rm . 147 with flower boy guests kim soo hyun and lee hyun woo :D omomo , its just too much this week hahah . Just look at them , sahh beautiful hahah just casually putting shadows aside for this description . Yeaahs minifangirling at this very moment . Pretty good ep i reckon , with all those missions . Self explanatory todays , nvmnvm :L

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day230:Mixed emotions

I had an absolutely disastrous morning , glad this week is not the week of my birthdayy hahah . Anywayys i woke up late and sped out of the house . Racing towards the train station , an unsightly view laid flat out in front of me ; there was trackwork . But luckily there was an express bus to fairfield then canley . So as i waited for the bus , i prayed not to be late . Hopped onto the bus and took off to canley , cept i overslept on the bus and missed the canley stop , finally alighted at cabra . I began walking FROM CABRA TO CANLEY . . . i saw a bus pause near canley station - which can take me straight to tutor and saving about 20mins of walking - but i missed it by a split second . . . yeaahs nws my luck couldnt get worse , i mean being late for about 15mins was pretty crappy start to the day already . But no , i end up splashing puddles , screeched at by a few cats , and stacking it . . . Yeaahs beautiful morn tbh - but thank goodness my seat wasnt taken , or else i'd be stuck in the middle of surrounding heaters -
Well putting that aside , oppa and i left the others to vlounge and began planning for my birthday event . I know , yeaahs ofc i didn't put much into the planning , but still made an effort ? Hahah wells the planning and lunch was pretty good alreadys , but then marshii called up , and ionos if im still awkward with him or what , but i was smiling throughout the whole call . Nawws so thats why he asked when tutor finished for me , wanted to have lunch with everyone . . . aishh whyy then didnt youu go ?? wonder if it's cause i didnt go . . . actually nahhs probs cause shadows didnt go either . Wait whoas , did they decide not to go cause i wasn't there ? Uhh . . . wows . . . hahah ego rising hahah nahhs im all normal agains . But if they did just that , then wows , im astonished and touched (:
Now that happy-ish situation aside . . . sighh so i broke the news to my eng tutor that i was quitting . Her reaction nearly made me burst into tears straightaways . I remembered the first lesson i had her , the whole time i was thinking ' what ? are all eng tutors crayy like this ? ' . After that phase passed , i remember walking into class thinking ' woo ! another eng lesson ! it's gonna be such a bewilderment once again ' . She rly is an amazing teacher and friend , and im so upset to leave ):

Friday, May 24, 2013

Day229:Three peas in a pod

So yeaahs . . . wows last lesson todays and srsly gonna miss all these 3u buddies . . . Havent confirmed it , but yeaahs most likely choosing the option of acing 2u . Sighhs there are so many amazing and supporting friends there , but mms hopefully this change will allow me more moments to see them in the future . Think that would be for the better . Actually teared up again this lesson . . . Oh and even though mr.retard was theres , marshii was actually cheering me up - esp using shadow's method of vocals hahah - Ohkays so let's give it a fresh start on monday , just a fresh as these peas are ^ omo a reminder of a must watch movie ; three peas in a pod (:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day228:Standing at a crossroad

Decisions , decisions , decisions . . . So have youu ever come to a crossroad and youu beginning to stare at the post which shows where each pathway leads to ? Yeaahs im sure youu have , if youu haven't , i have no idea of what kinda life youu live . Well well so i've given great amt of thought into dropping a unit of maths - whoas asian sinning right there - but yeaahs nows that i've been through a possible last lesson today , i wavered . I don't wanna drop it anymore . Sighh iono anymores , where my determination had trailed off to . . . hmms :S