Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day115:Serious talks

Cousin is back downunder and im glad he made it back safe and sound , hope he gets back into being who he really is after this overseas trip cause im sure he doesnt deserve all those dramatic years hes been through . Even if the whole world doesnt believe youu and i dont voice out my opinions , know that i will always believe youu and be by your side no matter what . What youve been through , it's more than enough buddy , fighting !
Well yeaahs back to the summary of the day ; twas a long and tiring day . Yeaahs it was our first day today and i got a little upset . . . well terribly emotional . During last period , chem , we were all lining up and teacher called one of the guys out of the line cause he was talking . But then called me out , reason being 'cause youu didnt talk' , oh the humour of our chem/phys einstein doppleganger . Yeahhs everyone was awkwardly smiling at me when they walked by , even shadows had that signature smirk again . Well the real reason for him to call me out of line was because of the counsellor appointment that was made from the end of last year . Well i was dragging my feet across the quad and stopped once in a while to take deep breaths and calm the anxiety inside of me . When i got there i paused for a moment before knocking thrice and being welcomed in by him . I took my seat and looked around before looking up at him . We discussed many issues ; time management , my personality , stress , social factors , just to name some . The weird thing was that i knew i was over the results issue , yet within five minutes of enterin the room , i burst into tears . The only maths result comment that was swirling around my mind was that of sir mai's . Rememberin that oh so appalling day ; im disappointed . Merely two words , can become such scarring sources . But even though i wasnt quite happy talking about such issues with a school personnel , i felt slightly relieved to get it off my chest , even if it was during those teary moments .
For only increasing the burden on my parents when i attempt to reduce it , im sorry .
For isolating myself from my friends , im sorry .
For not being able to change into someone who can fit in , im sorry .
For not being strong and crying it all out , im sorry .
For only trying my best everyday , im sorry .

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