Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day111:Courts and smiles

First off , happy australia dayy ! Well there were many concepts discussed within the 'debates' in today's lesson :
Is compassion a necessity of humanity ? Communism or capitalism ? Have women reached the same platform as men in the workplace ? Has DNA research brought more positive or negative impacts to society ? Yeaahs topics youu would be willing to commence arguments on , join youu anytime :L
When guys with cutee smiles appear , i become a tad insane but manage to control myself around others , but omg ehehe Daesung , our smiling angel ^^ But yeaahs , the vlounge guy with such a cutee smile was serving today . Oh and also i was expressing my embarrassment at my friend's arguments in her debate whilst i was walking out of the door to grab a iced coffee , when i turned around to be met with an overshadowing figure . Surprised at jimm's presence i awkwardly laugh it off whilst my friend laughed at me from inside the room . He's another person with quite a smile . Beautiful smiles all around , everydayys (:

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