Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So i waited for a bus to arrive this afternoon . I saw this elderly lady walking in a direction towards me . It was purely summer today , the heat , lack of energy , and the like . Using all my energy , the muscles in my face pulled my mouth up into a smile . Luckily she smiled back , and yes that became a highlight to my day . She walked past and i turned away and set my focus to the distance searching for the bus . Someone tapped me on the shoulder and said excuse me . It was the lady , and we ended up having a few minute conversation about her grandson doing the HSC and the grade i was in . For those moments , I sincerely felt a sense of belonging to school and the community . . . and it all started with a grandmother who was concerned about her grandson , the love has sent me a sense of belonging . I wish the grandmother great health and happiness (:

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