Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day24:Pumpkins and witches

Casually spending the time right now with this ice pack over my sore arm which put in so much effort to help me memorise . Wrote it out throughout all the periods today , it seriously drove me insane . Yeps even the free period was used to study this story which i was soo screwed for cause i didnt completely memorise the second page D; All overs anyway ; shall prepare for the worst and hope for the best . Now let us all anticipate friday ! :D


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day23:Asian connections

Mocha milk tea and egg tart from auburn ; both of which i havent eaten since ages . Twas too hot today , decide to sit on the floor editing and memorising my story . Oh being an elderly person and casually flipping through the local papers to see if anything would be useful for tmrs (:

Happy birthday to ann , terrii and kathy. x

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day21:Study food

In crazy need to memorise a story , but food always comes before studyy . Having hungry  jacks and honey chicken since forever and a day (:

Day20:Tiramisu crepe

Photo taken from online cause we were rushing when we arrived . But yeaahs crepes crepes crepes ! Eating with buds on a saturday arvo and having a different taste of cabra/canley heights every week . Worth the effort of walking all the way there , yumms (:

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day19:Sleepy head

So i clearly had a funny mind yesterday ; slept around about 9 and waking up around this time #crazydayandnights . Right now , my mind is racing from one thing to another and figuring out what to do until i realise that i ignored many people on ebuddy during my sleep . All of which were asking about chem homework . Even though my brain is shutting down and heavy eyelids , i shall do the work , toodles . And must remember to apologise to them later on . Oh and outside isnt as pitch black as it was at camp , not even a pretty black ):


On a 30 degree day like today , are you jumping into our garden to congratulate me Mr.Purr ? Finally legitly getting a distinction cert , many things have been going my way . Rents asked what i'd like as a reward ; i asked if they could forget about my report . And they agreed , yayers . Today was also the first day i had a free period , and def got more work without too many distractions , looking forward to the next one (:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Dunno why this leads me back to those memories from china and that lovely 3wk experience . Maybes the red bean ? With a blank mind right now , all i can think about is them . Nawws i miss youu guys 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day16:Dreaded moment

Annually , this is the time when homeless-asians-roaming-on-the-streets rate skyrocket . Oh don't you just wish those bolded words never appeared , or even e x i s t e d ? Yeps probably in most people's cases at this very moment . Super upset looking at this cover , knowing that this the last report we can ever bomb out on D; Starting afresh agains (:

Monday, October 22, 2012


I have relived a childhood that did not consist of the show in the image : Playschool . We might have watched it during 'wet weather mornings' .Then reality hit me as i looked at the pile of work ): But yeaahs , it was great watching it on a cold day today ; i felt young and free :D

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Day14:Pitch black outside

3:08 a.m : the time i went to sleep . Mental issues and a writer's block kept the night going , also showing dedication to english ._. Unsure of how out of control my mind shall function tomorrow later on today D;

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Just drinking a peppermint snowshake whilst walking to cabra library after eating at holybasil with the peak buddies . Dining with these people is such an interesting experience (Y) Calamari , chicken , oxtongue , papaya salad , and f r i e d i c e c r e a m . Yayers finally had a taste of it , soo nice even though my throat was burning . Oh wells , it was a nice place to eat . Hmms where to next week ? (:

Day12:Appreciating the little things in life

Like these two different coloured roses growing off the same stem , our life is the same . Just those little things you might ignore or look over in life that will capture your attention if your mind is clear . People's smiles are the best gift to receive any day , so thank you for those smiles (:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day11:Public Transport

Such powers ! I have successfully pushed against the wall of the bus . Maybe i was thinking i could do those movie stunts ? Nahhs just crap public transport needing maintenance D:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Don't think i should be in too much of a good mood when one of our teachers passed away . She was supposed to return and take my previous class , and she seemed like a happy old lady the last time she visited the school . She had been fighting cancer for a period of time . Many people had mentioned their dislike for her , but hearing her death was definitely not what they had meant the result to be . However , if they did , karma shall get them soon . For me , i have never really had her , so i guess when the notice was read out today , i felt a sudden emptiness rather than wanting to tear up . Seeing our teacher tear up and go into an emotional breakdown and unable to continue to read it , immediately silenced the class . I would not say she is in a better place now because it would be better if she stayed here , alive , just that little bit longer . But i can only send my deepest condolences to the people that have been affected by her death . R.I.P.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So i waited for a bus to arrive this afternoon . I saw this elderly lady walking in a direction towards me . It was purely summer today , the heat , lack of energy , and the like . Using all my energy , the muscles in my face pulled my mouth up into a smile . Luckily she smiled back , and yes that became a highlight to my day . She walked past and i turned away and set my focus to the distance searching for the bus . Someone tapped me on the shoulder and said excuse me . It was the lady , and we ended up having a few minute conversation about her grandson doing the HSC and the grade i was in . For those moments , I sincerely felt a sense of belonging to school and the community . . . and it all started with a grandmother who was concerned about her grandson , the love has sent me a sense of belonging . I wish the grandmother great health and happiness (:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day8:Summer cravings and memories

Light blue canvas with white wisps swirled onto it , perfect weather . Having ice-cream cravings during religion , i rushed off to my cabra go-to shop ; Happy Cup , and ordered a peppermint snow shake (Y) Walked from the station and saw this ^ parked a street away from home . All the memories from the roadtrauma excursion replayed and i remembered the people we saw from the other schools . One year till its our turn , oh i'm dearly missing those days (:

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day7:Casually working

On a beautiful day like this , i stay home and finish my workload instead . Just browsing through sites to find answers and listening to motivating songs like Btob's wow and Justice crew's boom boom boom .

And currently watching rm ep 115 to congratulate myself on the hardwork for todays (:

Day6:Tutor day out

So it's a Saturday once again ; day of tutors . Being great chem students we decided to stay together and steak out at this steakhouse at cabra (should've taken my own pic) . Had a lovely time spending it these people , but hoping we don't choose to go there again -fingers crossed- (Y)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Day5:Pathetic fallacy

Hitching a ride through the rainy morning and catching the first bus , only finding myself wading through the flooded roads while being drenched by the time i arrived at the school gates . I was wondering why the sudden weather of pouring rain and snow within the months of growth , when i finally read the news and saw this image below . . .

Bali bombings : ten years on . To those 202 people , although we may not know one another , we belong to this family ; Earth , and we will forever remember you and will continue to support your family and friends . R.I.P.


Hmms so it's been a rainy day and this is how i saw the scene above me this morning ^ Hahah yeaahs mms i guess today wasn't too shabby of a day . First lesson of religion today and err totally different feel as it was only 10 of us in total , but it was nicee and quiet for once in that room i must admit thoughs :L

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day3:Finally my goal achieved

And finally i have changed english classes . Despite all my efforts trying to get out of my demotivatin class , it didn't work. But suddenly this morning me and few others got called up and yeaahs we were changing classes . Yayers a great event that shall cover my poor results. And super happy birthdayy to the awesomee doraafish (:

Day2:Merrylands stocklands

So mother and I decided to take out some bonding time before my crazy year begins . Since the merrylands stocklands recently had a grand opening after months of renovation and expansion , we had a 3hr shopping trip . And yeaahs bought a hoodie and a top and a few other things . The place changed so much :')

Monday, October 8, 2012

Day1:Early bird on a week A monday

First day of the last year of class of 2013 ! Woo waking up ! Just all pumped up and motivated ! Nothing much to say , just anxious for what the school will throw at us this time ! Leggo -