Friday, November 30, 2012

Day54:Star wedding

Today is the wedding day for Haha (Ha Dong Woon) and Byul (Kim Go-Eun) . This amazing relationship of seven years has paid off . And for Byul's father , my deepest condolences as he passed away not long ago . But he saw his daughter gaining a responsible and caring man for the rest of her life , i'm sure that was his last wish fulfilled . As to the wedding of this couple , hope youu will have a prosperous life and a healthy family . Congratulations !
And today we have the Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA) ! Excited - despite the fact i cant watch it - nevertheless yayyers just watched shinee winning best male group dance perf (:

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day53:Mentally drained

Haven't done anything productive over the week except for studying and all that . I even put tutor and hw aside to do well in these assessments , and i dunno if it was worth it . Oh wells , that's seft assess done and dusted for the week (actually 2u left , but mehhs) . Now off to tutor and might study space for physics tutor tmrs ): Oh and father bought this lovely plant (which i cant put a name to) to bring me luck and motivation leading up to the christmas spirit ! (:

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day52:Sleep deprived

Staying home from tutor today so i can do the physics assess due tmrs . . . Sighh my eyes want to stay shut and my mind is *mongg* ._.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day51:Sickness and assessments

And im super sick and patience levels have hit an all time low . The stress of senior year is getting to me , my organisation skills have been thrown out of the window and am super sad right now . Think i've cried on so many occasions today , mostly from all the pressure of this school . Why must they schedule everything all in a single week ?! It just messes with our lives , real bad . With economics assess and english essay due tmrs , i'm sitting here sorting out everything and trying to be extra efficient with my time . Oh and releasing all my stress here , feeling much better now (:

* Anything's possible - let's do this *


Picked this branch off a young grape tree in my backyard and it has dried up in the light to become this image ^ New growth , and energised for this week . Yayers for incoming assessment packed week hahah :L

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Day49:Sydney sunrise

You look so hot today Sydney , like a sunrise . Look at this weather , and its not even summer yet ! Oh 2012 , youu surprise me everyday (Y) One more month till it's christmas and the sales have begun . The intense assessment week has due to begin in 5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . race start ! -rm quoting whenever i can :L -


For a humid day like today ; let's bring out the watermelon (:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day47:Confusion intrusion

This unripe tomato . . . With youu intruding into my life , what can i do ? With friends advising me to not step deeper into this whirlpool of emotions , what should i do ? With my future determined by four numbers and a decimal point , what will i do ?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day46:Clumsy side

Chemistry brings the clumsy side out of me as i flamed the edge of the watchglass and broke it . Since i broke it , clearly i gotta clean up the mess i make . So to make sure the shattered pieces dont hurt any juniors , i decided to use my hand to sweep across the area . Smart one right here . My friend told me not to do that as i might hurt myself , so i looked at my fingers afterwards . There was an obvious lump between a intermediate and a distal phalanges . Since it was assembly time , i just rushed out with the piece still stuck in my finger . Yeaahs , and thats how this cut came to be ^

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day45:Teenage issues

Never purely understood why girls love cutting their split ends , until i actually get them myself . . . Dunno if this experience is of a good one ? #firstworldproblems

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day44:Sniper 007

With the sudden rush of these james bond references , i actually am determined to watch the whole series in the holidays . The lastest rm episode was james bond 007 themed , and the release of Skyfall 007 . . . Hmms really anticipating this movie (Y)
Oh and there was a myer one day sale on tonight , which def allowed mother and i to have some shopping/bonding time -came back with a pair of grey suede wedges- 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day43:Positive stress

Had a haircut yday and i come to school embarrassed . Hahah i guess it's sort of a  positive thing cause i havent had a haircut since ages and every other girl seem to have hair of a longer length . Stressed ? Yeahhs just a tad insecure :L Watched rm120 with park shin hye and lee seung gi . But today was actually quite a great day , maybes like sir said i am becoming a little more self-confident and outgoing nows ? (:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day42:Perfect housewife

This is the life of a decent housewife in training ^ With a week of continuous assess due coming up ; i decided to sleep in until 11am todays . And timing it right , rents called out for me and commanded me to mop the floors . Yes , the least you can do is allow me to finish brushing my teeth . . . Hahah anyways , i felt so tired after that . Wake up having to mop the floors immediately ; perfect future housewife or what ? :L

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day41:The Cabra life

Saturday . Tutor . And last but not least : food discovery (: Superdish was chosen todays ; we had seafood congee , noodles , chicken (?) , and sweet and sour pork . After trying my friend's disgusting coffee/expresso/i-dont-even-bother-to-know-what , i decided to try the iced coffee from V-lounge . Oh mann , it was def seven dollars well spent . Corner cafe ? Yeaahs , never again . An incident between two cars today sparked quite an audience at cabra . A number plate slightly indented cause such a scene . That was not even the odd thing ; the thing was , i guess youu can call him an outsider decided to order the two drivers around . Hmms , i'm sorry it's cabra , don't think they'll actually listen to you . . . But all in all , amazing time spent with these wonderful people (:


Just casually going into some carpark and having hallucinations of my life as delivery person ._.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day39:An asian market ?

Today was a crazy day with the grade above us selling books here and there , some were pretty desperate and lowered the price within seconds . That'll be us just under in a year's time , let's anticipate it :L
To my dear cousin ; Please go on a safe trip and yeaahs have fun ! Byees !

Day38:The meaning of isolation

Through experience , one is able to understand the the relationships in society regarding one's identity being accepted by his or herself and the acceptance expressed by the greater society . So mms the smart peoples went city today for some seminar thing while im stuck at school with all these guys , ah ha ha what a lovely lonely day ._. Oh on a positive note ; solar eclipse today ! (:

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Was introduced to this singer only todayys ~ Kim Hyung-Soo . Absolutely amazing voice and a total flower boy . Comeback of another breathless singer ? Nopes i don't think so (:

Monday, November 12, 2012


Yesterday was a sombre one so mms . This was the brighter side of yesterday ; it was the presence of pepero day , bachelor day and watched rm ep119 (:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day35:The Last Post

Paying respect to the soldiers today . These poppies grew from the battlefield soaked with Australian blood . They fought with what they had yesterday , to give us the peace that we have today . With this silence , we honour them . Lest we forget .

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day34:Magni-pho-cent day

Thanks to our cabra tour guide , me and the buds had a lovely lunch on 10.11.12 13:14 . But still dunno what my two friends ate or even went off to . . . Wells they seemed to had a great lunch . . . Hopefully ? Yeaah bros (:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day33:Hail down to you

* * *
2pm hail . Dark clouds gathered in the distance . Skies grumbled with anger . Sudden rain of cats and dogs . Students disperse to various shelters . And peeked out . . . Pouring rain looked as if it was thinning , yet the pitter and pattering grew louder . Hail . That was it . New to this blue environment , everyone rushed to the nearest window to witness the event . Hail continued on . . . And providing entertainment for these peoples (:
* * *

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day32:One month

Simply producing beautifully carved ginger structures with mother and preparing them for a mini photoshoot ^
Oh . It has been exactly one month since i began this blog . Yeaahs looking back at all these posts ; i feel as though it has been forever and so much has happened . I'm glad that i have been keeping all these memories (:

Day31:To the beautiful you

This was a sweet moment and yeaahs reminded me of a lot of people , hahah (:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day30:Hunter is back

Since we left school early todays , we went auburn easyway agains . This time i tried a pina colado frappe , twas very yummy . I googled what is was just before , and i realised there was rum in it , which makes things even better (: Was just watching rm 118 and this moment ^ scared everything out of me ! The sudden appearance of min soo was frightening to even look at on a screen , let alone the experience of the people on rm whom are facing him in person . -shivers- I cannot even begin to imagine it !

Day29:Beautiful this and that

Another beautiful day . Another fresh start . And also watching to the beautiful youu (:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day27:Oppa cabra style

Since the release of Psy's Gangnam Style and topping the world charts , cabra has fell in love with the song , and so have many non-asians passing by . For the past few weeks , me and my peak buddies have never escaped the aura of this song . Hahah anwayys , so all six of us went to a korean restaurant . After the eng people's departure , us , the usual three then headed for meetfresh . I felt so bad after the lunch . Yday , i barely ate anything for 6 hours and todays i overloaded my stomach . Oh wells , nicee lunch anways (:

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day26:Physics in the city

Woo ! We were hyped for our first excursion , and very well waited for . Even though we took a bus to imax and luna park , it was still a great way to end our week off ; i guess especially after our wednesday assess ? :L
How lovely , on the first bus trip jacket jammed on the bus and embarrassingly watched everyone pass as i sat there watching sir take it out for me . Practically first time we were allowed to buy food/drinks outside of designated excursion . Some bought subway , but just a green tea frappacino for me . We watched some 3D hubble telescope movie ; it was actually quite amazing . At luna park , we just hopped on a few rides . Highlight of the luna park part of the excursion was seeing ronan keating (tbh i didn't really know who he was until someone told me he was one of the judges , and yeps i haven't been catching up with xfactor) . And on the way home i played OSU! on a friends phone and playing around with the huge die with the bus buddies (:
Overall : fun day and lovely memories for our last year . x

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Saw lovely scenery as i was driving to eastwood for my monthly dental appointment and tried shanghainese food . The suburb twas beautiful , soo asian (:
And also i shall wish jasmen and andrew a lovely birthdayy (: